GigaRouter (Was Re: Cisco as Big Brother))


Thank-you for the kind comments about GateD. I will forward them
to other GateD developers, especially Jeff Honig who is now at BSDI.

Netstar is GateD Consortium member. We have been jointly working
with Netstar on adding additional features to bgp.
John Scudder has also been helping with this effort to enhance GateD.

I think you will find the Netstar engineers very insightful as we
have. A few of the engineers will be present for a technical
discussion during nanog.

Their additions to the gated product have enhanced the
existing gated package. The next release of GateD will
have this new software. Other additions to the next releases of
gated will be:

  - re-written ospf to reduce the memory requirements,
  - gii - a cisco like command interface,
  - utilities for bgp monitoring, and
  - test tools.

If anyone is interest in GateD membership or redistribution
licenses, I encourage you to contact me. If you are interested
in additional information on Netstar, I can also refer you
to Netstar people as well.

Please use either: or or

I'll be glad to give additional pointers or phone numbers
to individuals privately.

Sue Hares
Technical Point of Contact
Merit GateD Consortium

Sorry. Does all this discussion mean that new big Ascend's
routers are/was?/will be?/ based on gated's experience?

As for me, it's important.

Netstar is GateD Consortium member. We have been jointly working
with Netstar on adding additional features to bgp.
John Scudder has also been helping with this effort to enhance GateD.

This is correct (so is the rest that I didn't quote!). So, this:

Netstar no longer uses their own modified gated; you can run whatever
release of gated you like. The magic now happens below the routing
socket, as opposed to in gated itself.

is both right and wrong. It's right in that Ascend (nee Netstar) has moved
the "magic" to its (IMO) proper place below the routing socket. It's wrong
insofar as they have been investing in improving and extending the gated
they provide, to make it more stable and full-featured (we've added
communities, aspath-prepend, route reflection and various other
ISP-oriented features, also various bug fixes).

Followups to this thread should probably be moved to private e-mail, or to



We are planing on building our network out of Netstars and Cascade 9000s,
so it it is important for us to know if this box is stable. Yes it does
run gated, and I think the work netstar has put into it has made it very
stable, and in many ways better then IOS. We have tested the netstar box
and are very happy with it, but I am not sure it is ready to replace the
cisco. One thing we will do is have the netstar peer with two router
servers in each POP, the route servers will then peer with all the other
RS in the other POPs. This should take a lot of the BGP load off the
netstar because that is our biggest worry.

Nathan Stratton CEO, NetRail, Inc. Tracking the future today!