Getting a "portable" /19 or /20 (fwd)

>>> Actually, the last I heard is that they will sell down to a /24.

>> "The minimum block of IP address space assigned by ARIN is a /20."

>> Also, they don't have any special-case handling that I am aware of.

That was the point. It's against their policy and they don't have any
mechs in place for reasonable requests within their policy framework. My
specific needs are irrelevant to the point and were only provided for
illustration purposes. If you can sweet talk a /24 out of them, more power
to you.

ARIN will gladly assign a /24 you you. It's called a
MICRO-ALLOCATION. It's NOT going to be seen by the ENTIRE internet
because some (Hi Randy!) providers filter teeny-tiny allocations like
that. Perhaps if ARIN participated in the IRR beyond running an IRRd, as
in registering objects whenever they assigned address space, we could ALL
filter based on registered objects. That is a different thread/battle

> Well, to me it sounds like you wanted your own /24, came up with an
> excuse, and they saw right through it.

I have more addrs than I need. Your second guessing proves nothing.

You wanna swip some to us? I'll send you my maintainer ID. Thanks!

> I mean, if you need IP space for your book, 192.168/16 and 10/8 are
> popular choices.

There are a bunch of protocols and services that need fully-connected

But that's all beside the point. You can't get /24 from ARIN, and that's
the point.

ARIN makes micro-allocations no longer than a /24 to critical
infrastructures of the Internet, including public exchange points, gTLDs,
ccTLDs, RIRs, and ICANN, as well as all named servers of the domain. So
that these allocations will not be announced on the public Internet,
ARIN's List of Micro-allocations is kept up-to-date to apprise ISPs which
addresses should not be filtered.

Exchange point operators must provide justification for the allocation,
including: connection policy, location, other participants (minimum of
two), ASN, and contact information. ISPs receiving these micro-allocations
will be charged according to ARIN's Fee Schedule under the section titled
ISP Subscriptions for IP Bulk Registrations. This policy does not preclude
exchange point operators from requesting address space under other

You CAN get a /24 if you _NEED_ it. If the readers of your book are too
stupid to realize that they shouldn't announce to the world
and as such you want your own allocation, perhaps you need to release a
second addition outlining that what you provide are EXAMPLES and are NOT
for use in real world situations. (Have your favorite internet savvy
attorney word it for you. I'm an engineer, not a stupid attorney!)

I think I'm going to have to publish "RFC1771 for Dummies" as I think it
sales will underwrite our world-wide buildout.