geolocation comparison

CAIDA plans to conduct a comparison of geolcocation tools for
determining the location of Internet Protocal (IP) address (and other
identifiers) in the summer of 2010.

At this time we wish to receive feedback from interested parties
on input to the comparison survey, whether they wish to participate
and in what capacity.

    * What is your primary interest in geolocation services?
      Legal, academic, content localization, disaster preparedness,
      regulation, ...

    * Can you provide ground truth geolocation information for your

    * Do you have suggested metrics, questions, or tests to include in
      the comparisons?

    * If you provide a geolocation service, under what conditions would
      you be willing to participate?

    * If you use a Geolocation service(s), which do you use and in what

    * Which companies do you consider to be the primary providers of
      geolocation services at this time?

Please send any comments to:

Details can be found: