
We have several direct allocations from ARIN which we then provide smaller
prefixes to our customers across the country. Our HQ is on the East coast,
but many of our customers are on the West Coast. Trying to understand and
fix some of my west coast customers GEO LOCATION issues as they are
reporting for instance when running "speed tests" to Internet sites the
location pops up as an East Coast server instead of West and more local.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you
Chris uses Maxmind I believe. You can correct it on their website.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

A number of CDNs use tools like the DNS server/query source to identify where
the clients are. If they are all using a centralized DNS server, some providers
will classify you as in one area vs another.

Consider using a different DNS query-source for east coast vs west coast
users. Consider using tools like ECS (EDNS0-Client-Subnet) if possible to
provide hints to the various CDNs/Geolocation folks.

If you’re aware of a specific mis-charachtherisation, consider posting the
relevant DNS server information or IP ranges involved.

If you don’t know how to find your DNS server query-source, a tool like this:

Will help you find the information easily.

- Jared