General survey about situation of website blocking in your country/economy <by July 10th>

Dear nanog members,

JPNIC - Japan Network Information Center is now soliciting your input about the
situation of website blocking all over the world, especially from the viewpoint
of copyright infringement.

In order to cope with vicious infringements, the Japanese government is
considering countermeasures including the legislation of website blocking,
alleging that blocking technologies are already being operated in many countries
and regions of the world(*).

JPNIC wants to grasp the real situation of the world. We would be grateful if
you could answer the survey below by July 10th.

It would be highly appreciated if you could kindly provide us with your input.

Japan calls for 'emergency measure’blocking access to websites that pirate manga
and anime

If you have any question about the survey, please feel free to email us

All the Best,
Akira Shibuya
(on behalf of JPNIC secretariat)