general? monitoring and statistics

With the media and others flinging "... Niagara-Mohawk power grid was

Why are the power grid/$joe_powercompany line capacity stats so hard to
come by?

One would think a simple http(s)? request would show graphs of
current/slightly delayed line capacity publicly. If not, with todays
events showing international connectivity and their weaknesss change anything?

Of course the technology is avaliable to do this exists but one would have
to sit in a certain chair to see it. Sure, that's fine with private /
managed service(s). I'm talking the grid here and their capacity buy and
sell metrics by watt to $joe_powercompany. What about $joe_powercompany
load sharing lines as well?

Anyone running a list of URLs that are relative to this?

In a message written on Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 06:19:47PM -0400, Jon Torrez wrote:

One would think a simple http(s)? request would show graphs of
current/slightly delayed line capacity publicly. If not, with todays
events showing international connectivity and their weaknesss change anything?

CNN has been showing graphs from It appears they
provide, to subscribers, output graphs per plant, some grid statistics,
and other data along those lines.

It would be interesting to see a free and/or public version of that
data, but it seems to be available to those willing to part with a
few dollars.