[ga] Verisign Agreement Adopted (fwd)

For those of you not following this, the following decision means
effectively NSI has been regranted a registry monopoly over .com (they
spin out .net and .org) and they do not have to split the registry
operation from the registrar operation.

OK, am I the only person on this list that hasn't been able to reach
ICANN's web site for the last month or so?

<joke type="bad" level="really bad">
perhaps it should be www.icannt.org?

Patrick Greenwell wrote:

For those of you not following this, the following decision means
effectively NSI has been regranted a registry monopoly over .com (they
spin out .net and .org) and they do not have to split the registry
operation from the registrar operation.


uhhh, so what happens to all the alternative dotcom registrars?

I mean, is ICANN asking to be hauled into court or what?

Registrars are not affected(until NSI decides to raise the rates.) The
decision affects the *registry*