FW: Photos of Palestinians celebrating World Trade Center attack

Notice that many of the Palestinians hold up their fingers in a gesture of peace.
Is this the kind of cruel “peace” that they are advocating?

Palestinians celebrate at the Shatila camp in Beirut

Many Palestinians at refugee camps in Lebanon celebrated after hearing news of the attacks
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

Children celebrate in east Jerusalem

Palestinian children in eastern Jerusalem celebrating news of the terror attacks in the United States


Palestinians in Lebanon celebrating the attacks

Guns fired at refugee camp in Lebanon

Palestinian man fires a rifle in the air in celebration over the World Trade Center collapse

V- gesture will mean Victory and not peace.

Alex Avtsin
Network Engineer

Do you guys really believe these people really know what they're celebrating?

Mm, I'm not so sure about that... A friend of mine came back from a SETI
event once with a whole lot of pictures, in which people kept doing the
little "V" thing with their fingers. Correlating that with the behaviour
of tourists, we concluded that it was actually a secret finger-sign
indicating "visitor," as in "I'm a visitor from outer space."


Actually the two finger "peace" sign is not at all universal. I'm sure our
British colleagues will note that a similar two finger gesture is equivalent
to our American F.U. gesture.

Greg Mirsky <gmirsky@axiowave.com> writes:

From: Jeff Jacob <mailto:jeffj@mysticom.com>
To: Jeff Jacob <mailto:jeffj@mysticom.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:37 AM
Subject: Photos of Palestinians celebrating World Trade Center attack

Notice that many of the Palestinians hold up their fingers in a gesture of
Is this the kind of cruel "peace" that they are advocating?

On NPR, one celebrating Palestinian was asked if he realized that over
50,000 people work in the World Trade Center. He replied, "No, no I
didn't realize that" and stopped cheering.

When you have a crowd celebrating, they don't always realize just what
they're celebrating...


Actually the two finger "peace" sign is not at all universal. I'm sure our
British colleagues will note that a similar two finger gesture is equivalent
to our American F.U. gesture.

Depends on which way the hand is turned. From gesturer's perspective, with
palm outwards it means peace. With palm inwards it means F.U. So if one is
going to use that gesture in UK best to get it right. :slight_smile:

Sounds about right. One of us gets peace, the other gets F'ed.

How apropos.

~Ben, speaking for himself alone

"The suicide bombers of today are the noble successors of their noble
predecessors... the Lebanese suicide bombers, who taught the US Marines a
tough lesson in [Lebanon]...and then, with no preconditions, they threw the
last of the remaining enemy [Israeli] soldiers out of the [security] zone.
These suicide bombers are the salt of the earth, the engines of
history...They are the most honorable [people] among us..." [Al Hayat Al
Jadida - Official Palestinian Authority daily, Sept. 11, 2001]


