FW: [ipv6-wg] 2010 IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey Now Underway

<Apologies for duplicate emails. If you have already participated,
thank you very much. And for you who have not, please consider doing

ARIN encourages its community to participate in the 2010 Global IPv6
Deployment Monitoring Survey being conducted by GNKS Consult and TNO and
sponsored by the RIPE NCC.

The survey is now available at:


The survey will close on 1 July 2010.

All five Regional Internet Registries have committed to soliciting
participation in this survey in order to compile the most complete
global IPv6 deployment data possible.

The survey results will provide a better understanding of current IPv6
deployment, and what still needs to be done to ensure the Internet
community is ready for the widespread adoption of IPv6. ARIN/CAIDA
performed a similar survey in 2008, and it was repeated in 2009 in the
RIPE and APNIC regions. The 2010 survey will allow for some comparison
of progress, which will be extremely valuable in determining the
necessary next steps.

The goal is to establish a comprehensive view of present IPv6
penetration and future plans for IPv6 deployment. The survey is composed
of 23 questions and can be completed in about 15 minutes. For those
without IPv6 allocations or assignments, or who have not yet deployed
IPv6, the questions will be fewer in number.

Results of the IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey will be made public in
the fall. All participants that provide their name and contact
information on the survey form will receive the draft survey analysis
when available. Please also indicate if you are willing to share
additional data with the TNO and GNKS Consult IPv6 Deployment Monitoring

Any questions concerning the survey itself should be addressed to
<info at gnksconsult.com>.


Mark Kosters