FW: Ctrl+Shift+6 then X

Hi Guys,

If anyone can tell me how to resolve this issue there's a strong possibility
of a fedex'd beer.

Using Putty or any other ssh/telnet terminal I find that Ctrl+Shift+6 then X
(on a cisco) works only sometimes after beating your keyboard multiple times
with a hammer, has anyone else come across or had a solution to this problem


Bruce Grobler

Yo!Africa - Network Engineer

Landline: +263-4-701300, Cellphone: +263-91-2364532

Skype ID: bruce.grobler

Re Bruce,

bruce@yoafrica.com (Bruce Grobler) wrote:

Using Putty or any other ssh/telnet terminal I find that Ctrl+Shift+6 then X
(on a cisco) works only sometimes after beating your keyboard multiple times
with a hammer, has anyone else come across or had a solution to this problem

I have found that using "Ctrl-6" (through putty) gives me breaks on Ciscos.
You usually have to wait for the device to poll for a break (especially in
pings/traceroutes), but it does actually work.


PS: Please don't fedex beer to Germany...


I have that problem using any terminal program (I use SecureCRT).. I have to
bang the command like 10-20 times for the device to recognize it. Kind of wished
CTRL-C or something worked better and actually worked well.

Shon Elliott
Senior Network Engineer
unWired Broadband, Inc.

Bruce Grobler wrote:

Ye, exact same things happens for me, then after it decides to execute it
you have a nice long line of 6x6x66x6x666x66666, tried the Ctrl+6 no such

Yep does that all the time the worst is on a traceroute where it seems you need to wait for the end of line to send the ctrl+shift+6.
Workaround on cisco:
Line con 0
Escape-character 3
Line vty 0 4
Escape-character 3

Whith this you can just CTRL+C

Michel Moriniaux

-----Message d'origine-----

I usually change the escape character to ctrl-C using:

line vty 0 15
escape-character 3

Then you can escape with Ctrl-C followed by x.

Bill Herrin

Oh wow, that worked like a charm !!!! Thanks a bunch!!! :smiley:

Just configure a different escape character with "terminal escape x". For
example, "term esc 3" will make Ctrl/C the escape character (and Ctrl/C+X
the escape sequence). Ctrl/^ is "somewhat" hard to get on "some" terminal
emulators :slight_smile:


Oh wow, that worked like a charm !!!! Thanks a bunch!!! :smiley:

What, nobody's using vt220s anymore?

(Almost bought one (or rather a vt420) off ebay for fun to plug in to
one of our 2500 terminal servers for the machine room - but realised
that not having cut-and-paste would be very annoying.)