FTP with authentication to RADIUS

Anyone know of an FTP server product that hooks into RADIUS for
authentication? NT or Linux?

Michael Medwid wrote:

Anyone know of an FTP server product that hooks into RADIUS for
authentication? NT or Linux?

proftpd does, through PAM (which then uses a radius module). the linux
port of openbsd's ftpd has PAM support, iirc.

proftpd has more features, but isn't very stable (and has had a few
security problems in the past).

proftpd: http://www.proftpd.org/
ftpd-bsd: http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/madore/programs/

John A. Tamplin wrote:

Unless I misread something, the Radius PAM module only supports accounting
not authentication.

nope. we're using for authentication with proftpd and postfix

Hello Michael -

It's much less security-hole-ridden than the godforsaken piece-of-crap
copy of wuftpd that ships with many Linux distros (in particular, earlier
versions of red hat; I *think* 7 ships with pro, but not sure)

I've found it to work just fine and it has tons of features and is
easily configurable.

Can't speak for OpenBSD ftpd, as I've never used it.