FTC / Nexband


Wondering if anyone has some contact with FTC or Nexband or whoever. I
can't find

Someone without clue has decided it's a good idea to make almost all
of share the same PTR record. This has bad
consequences, and is beginning to irritate me.

[coffee ~]$ host domain name pointer adsl.fultontelephone.net.

[coffee ~]$ host domain name pointer adsl.fultontelephone.net.

[coffee ~]$ host adsl.fultontelephone.net | wc -l

In the real world, the result is more like:

[coffee ~]$ dig +short adsl.fultontelephone.net A
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
dig: dns_rdata_totext: ran out of space

So yeah... if someone wants to correct that, it would be great.

And if everyone else in the world can please not EVER do something
like this, that would also be good.

anyone for reverse mapping an IPv6 /32?


> In the real world, the result is more like:
> [coffee ~]$ dig +short adsl.fultontelephone.net A
> ;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
> dig: dns_rdata_totext: ran out of space

Logged as: [ISC-Bugs #21113] dig +short, fixed buffer size

> So yeah... if someone wants to correct that, it would be great.
> And if everyone else in the world can please not EVER do something
> like this, that would also be good.

  anyone for reverse mapping an IPv6 /32?


You only need to add PTR records for the addresses in use.

Not really the way most automated dns provisioning systems work today
.. and where would they be without $GENERATE in bind? :slight_smile: