Fridays are always good for shock headlines...

Well, the thing that really got my attention was "...forcing
equipment manaufacturers.." -- which is somewhat of a broad brush-

Having said that, this has been discussed ad nauseum, has had the
FCC rule on it, etc., and has -- at first blush-- seen U.S. courts
support it.

But the Internet is _not_ the U.S., and contrary to LEA and
U.S. agency opinion, does not require everyone on the planet
to comply.

This presents a bunch of problems -- and submitting to
arbitrary logic along the lines of (paraphrased) "Well,
what's the problem?" doesn't even come close to illustrating
that the problem is understood.

That's the only point I was trying (and probably unsuccessfuly)
to make. :slight_smile:

And this:

We work in a world where we're trying to keep bits flowing between
various points in the Internet, and compliance to a basic set of
accepted standards seems to be an environment which is becoming more
and more clouded by "foo" -- where "foo" is your various garden
variety scare tactic of the day.

What a mess.

- ferg


The FBI has drafted sweeping legislation that would require Internet
service providers to create wiretapping hubs for police surveillance
and force makers of networking gear to build in backdoors for
eavesdropping, CNET has learned.


Potential abuse means a lot of things, and it certainly dictates prudence
and vigilence by citizens and the Gov. That said, I think this may really
be a win-win for both the LEO's and the ISP's.

Than again, if an ISP is approached once every 20 years, I hope the FBI
will be covering the costs. Someone always says they do?

