free Tools to monitor website performance

Hi All,

Thanks to all for reviewing my topic, may it is slightly off topic.

We have almost 300 URL's (local and web) and we want to monitor few of them
which are very critical URL's for web access and local access.

I would like to know is there any free tool or software with I can use to
monitor url performance in terms of response time. Which gives more
information like how much time it taken to connect the server and time to
load the page and total response time.

Thanks in advance.

Nagios will do it at a pinch but only from one location. But if you want professional URL monitoring from across multiple locations worldwide, you need Gomez, Neustar Webmetrics etc. Not quite cheap.


I would like to know is there any free tool or software with I can use to
monitor url performance in terms of response time. Which gives more
information like how much time it taken to connect the server and time to
load the page and total response time.

You can use smokeping with HTTP probes for some basic checks on this front. It can do distributed polling too, which is extra handy to ensure you don't have a localised problem from your monitoring host.

I'm sure you can do more fancy url checks with smokeping, but I've not delved too deep into it.



I've also heard good things about ThousandEyes.

I have used thousandEyes before and it's pretty good. I've also used
catchpoint and that is a lot better but not cheap.

We use Zabbix for local monitoring. Quite powerful (Nagios crapped out a lot on larger setups, although 300 is not large). There is a learning curve for Zabbix.

We have a few VPS'es outside our network for DNS reasons. They are configured as (pushing) monitoring nodes too. Bye,

David Hofstee

Deliverability Management
MailPlus B.V. Netherlands (ESP)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----


We have been using Zabbix with great success on 900 hosts. I would
recommend it, however I must agree the learning curve can be pretty steep.
I think of Zabbix more like a piece of networking equipment where it wont
do anything until everything is configured correctly. It is far from plug
and play, but very powerful and flexible.


Pingdom is the most affordable one I've seen recently. You can try it out
with one URL for free

It also has some other nice free tools.

I think that Apica might have a free option as well. (

Monitis has a free option called and you can set up several
different kinds of probes in many locations.

[image:] <>James SinkSenior Network Engineer 997-9179 x506Try free!
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Hi All,

Thanks to all for reviewing my topic, may it is slightly off topic.

We have almost 300 URL's (local and web) and we want to monitor few of them
which are very critical URL's for web access and local access.

I would like to know is there any free tool or software with I can use to
monitor url performance in terms of response time. Which gives more
information like how much time it taken to connect the server and time to
load the page and total response time.

I don't see how you'll be able to test local access externally;
however, check out for 50 free monitors and a
very inexpensive paid offering.

I have had a good experience with
50 monitors are free and at a 5 min interval. If you need more features then you can upgrade to the pro version.
They have multiple locations too.