<Free Ping services that test your servers Availability from the Internet>

Hey folks,

                I had a situation recently that our network went down
and our Network Monitoring software did not notify us that the network
was down because the internet connection went down. We had a problem
with our carrier where they messed up on our /23(where our Network
Monitoring software resides), when they did a maintenance. What
transpired is our /23 was no longer routing to us. Is there a free ping
internet service, or something that we can pay a company that just sends
a ping to devices? If they fail to respond, then an email is sent to
us? Thank you folks.


Senior Network Engineer

I generally recommend Pingdom (http://www.pingdom.com/). We used them at my
last employer and they caught a few outages that we didn't even know about.

You could just build a nagios server at your house and use that for free. Not really "enterprise-level", but if you're just looking for a last ditch alert it should work just fine.


Michael Ruiz wrote:

Hey folks,

                I had a situation recently that our network went down
and our Network Monitoring software did not notify us that the network
was down because the internet connection went down. We had a problem
with our carrier where they messed up on our /23(where our Network
Monitoring software resides), when they did a maintenance. What
transpired is our /23 was no longer routing to us. Is there a free ping
internet service, or something that we can pay a company that just sends
a ping to devices? If they fail to respond, then an email is sent to
us? Thank you folks.


Senior Network Engineer

Let me ask this question from a different angle. Did you NMS notice the
issue? If so, does your software require Internet to notify you?

I use just a simple modem(remember those?<GRIN>), a pots line and qpage
to send 'out of band' notifications.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

Ah yes, the frequently overlooked "internet is required to notify when
the internet is broken" problem. I use text-to-speech with Asterisk on a
POTS line or PRI. Killing landlines is the cool thing to do these days,
but if IP breaks that's when a POTS line still wins.


Webmetrics provides such a service (full disclosure I used to work for these guys)...


Stefan Fouant

An alternative would be Gomez GPN .. however all these are a bit of
overkill for what you specifically need (uptime) - pingdom does very
well for that.