I have a few passes for the upcoming NANOG meeting left, in which I would like to share with people who might need assistance to attend meetings(i.e students, academic or non profit), PM me if you are one of those people.
I have a few passes for the upcoming NANOG meeting left, in which I would like to share with people who might need assistance to attend meetings(i.e students, academic or non profit), PM me if you are one of those people.
If NANOG has given you meeting passes that you aren’t using, the best thing to do would be to contact the NANOG staff member that gave them to you and let them know you no longer need them.
NANOG already has programs in place to assist students and others with meeting attendance.
As @Tom said, you’d be better off handing them back to your NANOG rep who can then allocate them to people who need it. They would be in the best position to allocate them where they may be needed, i.e. sponsoring someone to attend who otherwise may not have the capacity to purchase a ticket.
Christopher Hawker
I am a capitalist and philanthropist who doesn’t believe in central distribution. So, no thanks.
I will give to the person in need myself.
And those passes aren’t “given”, I purchased them.
For those need help I still have few left, PM me.
And those passes aren’t “given”, I purchased them.
Well if you purchased them, then of course yours to do with what you wish.
Thank you for your very generous offer for this very important community. I hope there are people on this list that take you up on it - very kind!
Hi Llissa:
Thank you for your kind words.
As the Diamond sponsor and meeting host for the upcoming meetings, I intend to continue this initiative throughout the year for the next few meetings as well!
Please spread the word and let those in need know!
There are only two to three passes left, so please act quickly if you know someone might require assistance.
If, hypothetically speaking, I were a sponsor and I had spare tickets to an event that I didn’t pay for or need and my intentions were truly altruistic, I’d return them to the event organiser so that they may distribute them (in line with my wishes of course). I wouldn’t post to a public mailing list advertising that I was a sponsor and looking for people to give away tickets to.
To be transparent, everyone is entitled to do with their tickets as they wish, and spend their money in whatever way they wish as is their right. This is simply what I would do.
Christopher Hawker
Hi there,
Throughout the 20th century, humanity has consistently demonstrated that the central distribution and redistribution of resources are ineffective.
To clarify, the tickets that come with sponsorship are still tickets that I have purchased as part of a package deal.
Therefore, I have paid for those tickets and am happy to donate them to those in need for free.
It’s hard for me to understand why some people have an issue with that.
It’s hard for me to understand why some people have an issue with that.
I’m not sure anyone really has said they have an issue. I think for many it’s generally been uncommon to see a sponsor give away their conference pass allocations in this manner, so perhaps that’s why some comments have been made.
Doesn’t mean anyone thinks anything is wrong, just different, that’s all.
a not (IMHO) unreasonable proposed corrollary …
throughout the 21st century, humanity has also demonstrated that the purportedly maximally-efficient distribution of resources afforded by late-stage capitalism has rarely been accompanied by truly altruistic motives; and every capitalist across the spectrum should interrogate the parameters associated with deals that seem (perhaps superficially) too good to be true.
Hi everyone,
I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who responded to my offer of extra passes for NANOG. All the passes have now been allocated, and I’m really glad they’ve gone to people who can use them.
I’ve been thinking about why this doesn’t happen more often. Most of the other sponsors are large corporations (judging by the logos), and I imagine giving away passes comes with a lot of internal procedures and legal checks that make it more hassle than it’s worth.
LARUS is a midsize company, and honestly, I come from the tech community myself. I know how tough it can be to afford passes to events like this, so when I saw I had extras, it just felt right to share them.
This wasn’t about making a big statement or setting an example. It’s just something I could do because I personally care, and I happen to run the company sponsoring the event. That said, I’m sure the other sponsors give back to the community in their own ways—it just looks different for everyone.
Thanks again for being such an awesome and responsive community. Looking forward to seeing some of you at the event!
Update. A pass has just become available because one person who requested it can no longer attend due to a family emergency. Please let me know if you’re interested in taking it.
a not (IMHO) unreasonable proposed corrollary …
throughout the 21st century, humanity has also demonstrated that the purportedly maximally-efficient distribution of resources afforded by late-stage capitalism has rarely been accompanied by truly altruistic motives;
renowned economist dambisa moyo alludes in detail to this in her submission titled “dead aid”.
and every capitalist across the spectrum should interrogate the parameters associated with deals that seem (perhaps superficially) too good to be true.
More so when socialist mentality ends up crippling the modern man from using his own faculty to find the means to his own survival.