Follow up to previous post regarding SAAVIS

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 16:12:39 -0500
From: Justin Shore <>

Jared Mauch wrote:
> I've come to the conclusion that if someone put a nice web2.0+ interface
> on creating and managing these objects it would be a lot easier.

I've looked into IRR several times, usually after events like PCCW.
Each time the amount of work to 1) figure out how to implement IRR and
2) actually implementing it far outweighed the benefit of doing it for
my network. I would love to implement it and looking towards the future
I will someday have to. Until it becomes much easier to do so, I don't
foresee smaller SPs like myself allocating the necessary resources to an
IRR project until we're forced to because of our individual growth or an
idiot PCCW-type event that generates lots of bad PR.

While a web 2.0 app would be very nice, it's really not that hard to do
now. You do need the IRRToolSet or something similar. the IRRToolSet has
languished for a long time and was getting harder and harder to keep
running, but the move to sourceforge and the massive number of updates
and clean ups should soon result in a 5.0 release that builds cleanly on
most Unix/Linux platforms with a modern C++ compiler.

Once that happens, it's really pretty simple to use the IRR for this
sort of thing and, while the IRR data quality is pretty poor, it's a
vast improvement over crossing your fingers and sticking your head in
the sand.

Except for the ugliness of the Perl I wrote well over a decade ago (when
I was just learning Perl), I'd try to talk the powers that be into
allowing me to release it as an example, but the relevant code is
really, really trivial. (Not that government would let me without vast
quantities of paperwork.)


While a web 2.0 app would be very nice, it's really not that hard to do
now. You do need the IRRToolSet or something similar. the IRRToolSet has
languished for a long time and was getting harder and harder to keep
running, but the move to sourceforge and the massive number of updates
and clean ups should soon result in a 5.0 release that builds cleanly on

[insert plug for the revitalization going on at]

The internal piece (ras's code, etc) is the easy part. The customer-
facing piece isn't particularly difficult either. Getting it past the
inexplicably-powerful branding people in marketing and having a management
team with the iron will to dictate that the pointy-clicky form is not
just the standard vector but the ONLY vector for non-IRR clued users.
That was the support the cary team had at old 3561.

Most ISPs don't have that level of management clue & willpower, as the
same "but they will go to $competator who doesn't require it!" which
has screwed up everything from domain registration to responsible BGP
announcements fouls the customer interface as well. Account reps wanting
an exception 'just this once' are the norm.



I would make the opposite argument, my business would NEVER go to any
network which didn't support IRR (and a bunch of other simple but
important things, like a full set of non-secret BGP communities). It's
amazing the number of networks that excludes in this day and age. And
not even because "omg IRR is good because someone told me so and we
should support it", but because I've seen FAR too much grief caused by
humans typoing prefix-lists, or taking days to process them. It is the
height of absurdity that this would ever be considered an acceptable
solution to the problem.

But most of all I'm amazed that we as network operators have managed to
take such a simple concept as a protocol for storing and recursively
retrieving a list of prefixes in a database and turned it into such a
sloppy mess. We really shot ourselves in the foot with the complexity of
RPSL, which tries to be everything to everyone rather than actually
provide a simple effective way to maintain prefix-lists.

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but does each SP need to run their own
physical RR? Isn't this something that could be hosted?


I'd be very hesitant to use an upstream that didn't use any filtering method. But, as convenient as I find the IRR system to be (from the customer perspective, at least), I'm quite happy that a couple of our upstreams use other mechanisms instead.

I've had prefixes fall out of the IRR a couple of times, leading to outages of IRR-using transit providers. I've had transit providers screw up manually maintained prefix-lists, or had mis-communications resulting in the wrong thing getting removed. With multiple transit providers and multiple systems, they tend not to all have the same filtering problem at the same time. That's a very good thing.

I hope the recommendation that comes out of this discussion is to filter somehow, rather than to use any particular filter-generation mechanism. Diversity and redundancy are good things, in processes as well as hardware.


The data itself is stored on a distributed network of databases, so
there is technically no reason any SP needs to run their own. However,
they often do, because when a customer can't figure something out it
gives them access to go in and tweak the customers' records for them.

Unfortunately the distributed nature of the databases is one of the
biggest problems with the IRR system. Anyone can run an irrd, there is
no inherient authentication of the data. In order to get your irrd
"recognized" all you have to do is get mirrored by a database that other
people query and boom you're in the system. What tends to happen is
someone puts a route into a database and then completely forgets about
it, so there are a huge number of completely bogus routes out there
which are never going to get cleaned up.

The other problem is that when a SP has a customer who "can't figure it
out", a typical course of action is to just "register the route for
them" rather than try to explain it to them. Unfortunately, the same
thing as above happens here, you end up with a big pile of people who
register a big pile of routes in a big pile of random databases, often
times completely unnecessarily, and they'll never be removed either.

The biggest problem with the entire system is the way that data gets
into it, and the lack of incentive for people to ever remove data from
it. But as a mechanism to allow the routes which need to be allowed, and
mostly prevent accidental leaks, it works.

For more information, take a look at:

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but does each SP need to run their own
physical RR? Isn't this something that could be hosted?

The data itself is stored on a distributed network of databases, so
there is technically no reason any SP needs to run their own. However,
they often do, because when a customer can't figure something out it
gives them access to go in and tweak the customers' records for them.

Another reason one might choose to run their own is you never want to
answer a customer with: "Well, we query the remote systems when we
need to build prefix lists and apparently the remote system
blacklisted us because we queried too many times this
hour/minute/day/week.. sorry 'bout that!"

It gives you control over the data format, availability, freshness
(sorta) and 'security' of the data you'd update your network with. Not
everyone has that set of requirements, but if you ask L3 or other
folks that do IRR based 'auto filtering' I bet they have an answer
along these lines.

Unfortunately the distributed nature of the databases is one of the
biggest problems with the IRR system. Anyone can run an irrd, there is
no inherient authentication of the data. In order to get your irrd
"recognized" all you have to do is get mirrored by a database that other
people query and boom you're in the system. What tends to happen is
someone puts a route into a database and then completely forgets about
it, so there are a huge number of completely bogus routes out there
which are never going to get cleaned up.

drum, drum, drum.. rpki! (and hopefully having that tied back to a
bill you pay... see or wherever that list emanates from
these days)

The other problem is that when a SP has a customer who "can't figure it
out", a typical course of action is to just "register the route for
them" rather than try to explain it to them. Unfortunately, the same
thing as above happens here, you end up with a big pile of people who
register a big pile of routes in a big pile of random databases, often
times completely unnecessarily, and they'll never be removed either.

The biggest problem with the entire system is the way that data gets
into it, and the lack of incentive for people to ever remove data from
it. But as a mechanism to allow the routes which need to be allowed, and
mostly prevent accidental leaks, it works.

The above 2 paragraphs I think encapsulate what happened to ConEd in
~2005? (or someone-or-other-edison in newyork) Old/stale data which
cropped up in an unusual manner :frowning:

For more information, take a look at:

btw, +1 on irrtoolset.. good stuff.


You and I would agree, but there are far more edge ASNs than mine,
and last I checked you weren't running an edge. Just as with any
commoditization, the large number of buyers tends to win out. If
the world we wished existied, 3561 wouldn't have lost their good
provider-hosted-IRR based filters.




Unfortunately the distributed nature of the databases is one of the
biggest problems with the IRR system. Anyone can run an irrd, there is

You misspelled "largest strength". FOlks get to choose which registries
to believe in what order, not required to have a single [politicized]
entity. If folks mistakenly believe there is a 1:1 correspendence
between IRR data and BGP tables, they will lose. The IRR data is more
of a "flight plan", a set of what-is-possible per the originator of the


people query and boom you're in the system. What tends to happen is
someone puts a route into a database and then completely forgets about
it, so there are a huge number of completely bogus routes out there
which are never going to get cleaned up.

Lots of folks set up systems for provisioning without deprovisioning.
This is not an IRR problem, but a sloppy-human problem. Folks that
get stuck with provisioning generally aren't incented to remove billable
resources. CF good processes and management with backbone.



> Unfortunately the distributed nature of the databases is one of the
> biggest problems with the IRR system. Anyone can run an irrd, there is

You misspelled "largest strength". FOlks get to choose which registries
to believe in what order, not required to have a single [politicized]

Well, actually, no. I'm not aware of any mechanism under which you can
effectively choose who to believe and in what order, nor do I think that
it would make any real difference in the long run even if you could.

IRR database mirroring is like being a tier 1, you have to peer with
every other database out there in order to obtain a full view. That
means there are two ways you can get access to all the data you need,
you can either query someone else who maintains all those mirrors, or
you can run your own irr db and do all the mirroring yourself. RADB is
the de facto "main db" in the IRR system, it not only originates the
vast majority of the routes but it maintains the most comprehensive
mirroring of every other active IRR db. RADB currently tracks a total of
32 databases:

At the end of the day the results are the same, whether the data is in
your local irrd or someone else's db (like RADB). You query them via the
same mechanism, which has extremely limited source selection control.
Basically the only thing you have control over are the list of IRR
databases which are searched, but the results which are returned are a
superset of all databases which you selected to search. You don't get to
say "only listen to results from LEVEL3's db for this object unless they
don't have results there, in which case you listen to SAVVIS" or
anything like that. You could query the complete data for every
individual route yourself, but this would be a massively difficult
undertaking compared to the normal query operation. The normal query
operation is by no stretch of the imagination easy either, querying a
large ISP can take hours or more depending on the transaction latency
between yourself and the server you're querying. In fact this is one of
the reasons why querying data from RIPE is such a pain, their query
language lacks a recursive service side expansion mechanism so the
transaction latency turns querying a large AS-SET into a multi-hour or
day long operation. Their whois daemon also has an obnoxious "feature"
of forcefully closing the socket after 3 minutes, even if it's in the
middle of returning an answer. This is the only real advantage of
running your own local irrd, reducing the transaction latency, but it's
still a lot of work to maintain the mirror, verify that all the data
from all the sources is always importing correctly, etc. And even after
you do all this, what does being able to pick a data source order buy
you anyways? Do you think you win something by preferring say RADB over
LEVEL3 over SAVVIS over ARIN over RIPE over...? You have no real idea
where your customer's are keeping their records, or their customers,
etc. Where do you draw the line on who's data you look at, and why do we
need yet another system where people are left to make a judgement call
over who's data they should trust?

Personally I'm of the belief that every ISP running their own IRR db is
a very bad idea, which is why I have chosen not to run one myself. To
quote Vijay, it doesn't scale. The last thing the already very broken
IRR system needs is more crap data by more random people spread out over
more databases, and the majority of the current db's probably need to be
shut down too. There is no reason that this process needs to be
politicized, or cost anyone any money to use. Again, we've made a
horrible system here.

One reasonable solution is to have the server side run the complete
query off its local database, and pass the complete results for a
prefix-list back to the querier in a single transaction. This is how works, though I personally find their system is be
excessively slow. In IRRPT 2.0 development I'm writing a similar type of
remote filter generator, which I hope will be useful to some people.

If folks mistakenly believe there is a 1:1 correspendence between IRR
data and BGP tables, they will lose. The IRR data is more of a
"flight plan", a set of what-is-possible per the originator of the

> people query and boom you're in the system. What tends to happen is
> someone puts a route into a database and then completely forgets about
> it, so there are a huge number of completely bogus routes out there
> which are never going to get cleaned up.

Lots of folks set up systems for provisioning without deprovisioning.
This is not an IRR problem, but a sloppy-human problem. Folks that
get stuck with provisioning generally aren't incented to remove billable
resources. CF good processes and management with backbone.

There is plenty of motivation to add data to IRR to make your
announcements work, but no motivation at all to remove data when it is
no longer needed. Nobody sees a problem with this until you step back
and realize that a lot of networks have IRR records so sloppy that they
list nearly every route on the Internet. Why bother filtering at all

I think if it was as simple as seeing a list of your routes (or
customers in your as-set, etc) and having a checkbox to delete old data,
people would be more reasonable about maintaining it. RPSL is scary and
confusing to a lot of people (and it should probably be scary to
everyone at any rate :P), there is no reason it needs to be like this.

In fact this is one of
the reasons why querying data from RIPE is such a pain, their query
language lacks a recursive service side expansion mechanism so the
transaction latency turns querying a large AS-SET into a multi-hour or
day long operation.

I've brought this to RIPE's attention before, but the suggestion was met with a sharp inhalation of breath and a discussion about exactly how difficult that might be. The ripe whoisd code-base is too complicated.

[Server side UTF8 support would be nice too, but for entirely different reasons - apparently there are some people in the world who need character sets outside ascii7. Who knew?]

> Do you think you win something by preferring say RADB over

LEVEL3 over SAVVIS over ARIN over RIPE over...? You have no real idea
where your customer's are keeping their records, or their customers,
etc. Where do you draw the line on who's data you look at, and why do we
need yet another system where people are left to make a judgement call
over who's data they should trust?

Yes, this is a bit of a mess alright.

There is plenty of motivation to add data to IRR to make your
announcements work, but no motivation at all to remove data when it is
no longer needed. Nobody sees a problem with this until you step back
and realize that a lot of networks have IRR records so sloppy that they
list nearly every route on the Internet. Why bother filtering at all

Data with "source: RIPE" is quite good from this point of view, as the mnt-lower: and mnt-routes: fields are delegated by the RIR function in RIPE. There's no doubt that you can get all sorts of crap from non-RIR irrdbs, though.

I think if it was as simple as seeing a list of your routes (or
customers in your as-set, etc) and having a checkbox to delete old data,
people would be more reasonable about maintaining it. RPSL is scary and
confusing to a lot of people (and it should probably be scary to
everyone at any rate :P), there is no reason it needs to be like this.

RPSL is scary both from an end-user and a developer point of view. From the developer point of view, if the requirement to support AS path regular expressions were removed, that would remove lots of scary code from irrtoolset. The grammar is also very rich, which is just another word for complicated.

From the user point of view, as a means of maintaining full policy routing configuration information (which seemed to be its original goal), it fails quite badly: too complicated to be understood easily; to limited to fulfil its objective.

Like lots of technologies which didn't take off as intended (x.500, multicast, etc), it's found a stable niche, although there is no doubt that its prefix filtering capability is very undervalued.


> [snip]
> > Unfortunately the distributed nature of the databases is one of the
> > biggest problems with the IRR system. Anyone can run an irrd, there is
> You misspelled "largest strength". FOlks get to choose which registries
> to believe in what order, not required to have a single [politicized]
> entity.

Well, actually, no. I'm not aware of any mechanism under which you can
effectively choose who to believe and in what order, nor do I think that
it would make any real difference in the long run even if you could.

Experience proves otherwise. L3's filtergen is a great counter-example,
where the customer-specific import policy dictates sources to believe
regardless of what other stuff is in their local mirror. It happily
drops prefixes not matching, so it does "make a real difference" WRT
customer filtering. I'm not familiar with DTAG's tools, but would be
shocked if they were less featureful. For querying other databases, see
IRRd's !s syntax, which specifies sources in order. Also see Net:IRR's
$whois->sources() method. For tools based on these, I would presume
it be up to your implementation or policy expression as to how you
decide the handling on multiple matches. When mentioned, usually the
first which matches is specified as 'the one', which is why search
order matters. What other purpose does specifying a search order serve?

IRR database mirroring is like being a tier 1, you have to peer with
every other database out there in order to obtain a full view. That

Funny, subject of the thread is filtering customers. I don't need to
take the same point of view of the RADB ("RADB's mission is to mirror
all component databases so as to provide the most complete view possible
of the entire IRR.") to do that, just a set of databases in which my
customers can be/must be registered. Once upon a time, 3561 had a
highly automated and effective way of doing this based in part upon
running their own DB and that being the default/requirement for
"non-advanced" customers.


Basically the only thing you have control over are the list of IRR
databases which are searched, but the results which are returned are a
superset of all databases which you selected to search. You don't get to
say "only listen to results from LEVEL3's db for this object unless they
don't have results there, in which case you listen to SAVVIS" or
anything like that.

If I am running a tool to generate filter lists for my customers, I
want to believe my RR, the local RIR, some other RIR that is well run,
and then maybe my upstream. Specify that search order and believe
the first match. Job done. If you have highly clued downstreams, go
the filtergen route and tune source-believability based on customer,
or cook up another avenue. There is nothing inherent in the system to
prevent this.


from all the sources is always importing correctly, etc. And even after
you do all this, what does being able to pick a data source order buy
you anyways? Do you think you win something by preferring say RADB over
LEVEL3 over SAVVIS over ARIN over RIPE over...?

Yes, reduced queries and the ability to ignore Bob's Bait and Tackle DB
if I know it is part of the "piles of junk databases" you posit will
exist. See above.

Where do you draw the line on who's data you look at, and why do we
need yet another system where people are left to make a judgement call
over who's data they should trust?

I'm not sure who has a better viewpoint on what my customers can/should
emit cross my network than me, so yeah I should make the call regarding
what databases my customers need to be in for my business. Obviously
for multihomed or well-meshed customers you have to approach that sanely
or you'll get serious pushback from folks registered elsewhere. In the
earlier 3561 days, I had to get them to eat non-MCI sources for us so
I wouldn't be doubly & trebly registered.

Assuming a perfect global datastore will fail. It doesn't exist now,
and migrating there to such a mythical beast is impossible. Run your
corner as cleanly as you can and apply as much error correction as
possible to the outside world. Since this topic is about running one's
corner cleanly, taking the input from known-garbage is a bad plan.

Personally I'm of the belief that every ISP running their own IRR db is
a very bad idea, which is why I have chosen not to run one myself.
To quote Vijay, it doesn't scale. The last thing the already very broken
IRR system needs is more crap data by more random people spread out over
more databases, and the majority of the current db's probably need to be
shut down too.

Centralized scales better than distributed? Quick, call the 80s - we
need HOSTS.TXT back.

Of course it isn't applicable for every 10-prefix shop that happens to
run BGP because they have multiple 0/0s, but that is merely due to the
effort not being worth the return for those people, not anything to do
with scaling of the IRR system. If small fries did run their own nodes,
they would need to get their providers to slurp the data, or be an LIR
or.... I don't see a massive clamor for small fries though. The
existing open-door IRR policy has only grown slowly over the years,
not exploded. Heck, some older ones [cf this thread's subject, BELL,
et al] seem to no longer be used by their owners and just might not be
worth querying. So yeah, I think a level of reasonable discrimination
based on existing data quality encourages increased data quality.

There is no reason that this process needs to be
politicized, or cost anyone any money to use.

Anytime you go down the road of advocating authority centralization,
you'll start getting people politicizing the process [cf icann, alternate
roots, all the random frothing-at-the-mouth-until-they-fall-over types].
I rather think that can be avoided by properly embracing the distributed
databases that do indeed function. Some can be side-stepped with RIR-
based IRRs, and decently distributed down to LIRs, but we all know ARIN
is still playing catchup here so it doesn't help our sphere in the
near term.

Money? Assuming a registry-based or provider-customer based DBs then
it would be part of the existing relationship, no? Fees were being
used at RADB in part as an incentive to get folks to clean up dead
records. In Oct of 2002 Larry Blunk reported that they trimmed from
3150 maintainers down to 1972, though I'm not finding any numbers on
non-maintainer objects purged ... I'm sure some were just M&A detritus
that moved from one maintainer to another.

Again, we've made a horrible system here.

I think you've misspelled 'front end'. The system certainly seems to
function, and the entire intent was that SPs would build their own
customer-facing tools as well as internal tools. Seems we've fallen
down in that regard, but irrpt [even if in php :-P] and the revival of
IRRtoolset are indications that folks are still interested in building
the internal widgets. In general I think you'd agree that the 'back
end' of most all service providers did not keep pace with the growth
of commoditization of service.

One reasonable solution is to have the server side run the complete
query off its local database, and pass the complete results for a
prefix-list back to the querier in a single transaction.


Again, your complaint isn't against "the IRR", but regarding an
implementation specific ... which aligns with what 3561 used to do.
We are straying dangerously close back to the thread topic.


> Lots of folks set up systems for provisioning without deprovisioning.
> This is not an IRR problem, but a sloppy-human problem. Folks that
> get stuck with provisioning generally aren't incented to remove billable
> resources. CF good processes and management with backbone.

There is plenty of motivation to add data to IRR to make your
announcements work, but no motivation at all to remove data when it is
no longer needed. Nobody sees a problem with this until you step back
and realize that a lot of networks have IRR records so sloppy that they
list nearly every route on the Internet.

See what I wrote above; that is a provisioning/deprovisioning problem,
not an IRR problem, and you know that. I know plenty of ISPs that
don't perceive their lousy half-hearted attempts at deprovisioning *any*
part of service to be a big deal, since improvements there doesn't make
them money. As long as physical ports and circuits go back into inventory
to sell to someone else, they could care less what data is left dangling.
Sad but true.

The other problem is that when a SP has a customer who "can't figure it
out", a typical course of action is to just "register the route for
them" rather than try to explain it to them. Unfortunately, the same
thing as above happens here, you end up with a big pile of people who
register a big pile of routes in a big pile of random databases, often
times completely unnecessarily, and they'll never be removed either.

The biggest problem with the entire system is the way that data gets
into it, and the lack of incentive for people to ever remove data from
it. But as a mechanism to allow the routes which need to be allowed, and
mostly prevent accidental leaks, it works.

Agreed. Wish most providers take the extra mile effort to advise and
facilitate customers on the process. The redundant entries are annoying :slight_smile:

Experience proves otherwise. L3's filtergen is a great counter-example,
where the customer-specific import policy dictates sources to believe
regardless of what other stuff is in their local mirror. It happily
drops prefixes not matching, so it does "make a real difference" WRT

No, level3's filtergen follows the exact "search path" rules I described
previously, which has no real impact for any reasonably sized isp. For
example, say I describe my as-set and aut-num and routes in altdb, you
can have level3 restrict the scope of the initial query to
ALTDB::myasset, and you can have level3 restrict the search path to
altdb, but what happens when I have a customer in my as-set who
registered their prefixes in radb? Now you have to open up the scope
there, and ripe, and arin, and level3, and ntt, and savvis, etc. Now say
someone comes along and slips an unauthorized route with my origin:
aut-num into one of these databases. You have no way to prevent that
from happening, when you run the query on my as-set/aut-num you're going
to get back the superset of my legit routes + any bogus ones. And this
is a good thing, because it's a lot less destructive to have bogus
routes in the system than it is to give someone the ability to override
legitimate routes with a bogus entry on a "more trusted" db.

customer filtering. I'm not familiar with DTAG's tools, but would be
shocked if they were less featureful. For querying other databases, see
IRRd's !s syntax, which specifies sources in order. Also see Net:IRR's
$whois->sources() method. For tools based on these, I would presume
it be up to your implementation or policy expression as to how you
decide the handling on multiple matches. When mentioned, usually the
first which matches is specified as 'the one', which is why search
order matters. What other purpose does specifying a search order serve?

This is the server side search path I talked about, it has nothing to do
with any specific client implementation nor is a client implementation
practical. See page 34 of:

Again you can restrict a global query, but this provides very little
practical benefit. You could dynamically restrict sources per query when
you go to do the !i or !g expansion, but there is no information on what
you should restrict it to, so again no practical benefit. The only thing
Level3 adds that isn't part of the stock query syntax is the top level
scope I mentioned above, ALTDB::AS-MYASSET. To support this recursively
you would have to run multiple full queries for the full records without
server side expansion, which is not practical for anyone with more than
a few hundred routes.

If I am running a tool to generate filter lists for my customers, I
want to believe my RR, the local RIR, some other RIR that is well run,
and then maybe my upstream. Specify that search order and believe
the first match. Job done. If you have highly clued downstreams, go
the filtergen route and tune source-believability based on customer,
or cook up another avenue. There is nothing inherent in the system to
prevent this.


Yes, reduced queries and the ability to ignore Bob's Bait and Tackle DB
if I know it is part of the "piles of junk databases" you posit will
exist. See above.

This doesn't work if your customers have customers. I'm also not aware
of anyone running any "bad" databases, or for that matter any databases
which are of lesser security/quality than the "big boys". Short of what
ripe implements because they are the RIR, there is no real security on
registrations here, so it doesn't much matter if the database is level3
or bob's bait and tackle. And even given what I consider to be an
excessively large list of irr databases today, from the standpoint of
keeping good records, I'd be hard pressed to name one on the list who's
data I should trust any less than say level3's.

Centralized scales better than distributed? Quick, call the 80s - we
need HOSTS.TXT back.

A silly argument. In this case, hosts.txt is equivalent to an ISP having
a human manually process an e-mail from a customer, add it to a
prefix-list on a router, and then manually e-mail their upstream or peer
ISPs to have them update the prefix-list, etc. In many cases centralized
(or at least, restricted to some reasonably sized set, obviously nobody
is proposing running the entire Internet on a single server run by a
single entity) has much better security properties. As far as scale
goes, you're talking about a pretty simple database of pretty simple
objects here. There is probably more overhead that goes into maintaining
the distributed nature of the db than there is actual work generating
prefix-lists. :slight_smile:

> There is no reason that this process needs to be
> politicized, or cost anyone any money to use.

Anytime you go down the road of advocating authority centralization,
you'll start getting people politicizing the process [cf icann, alternate
roots, all the random frothing-at-the-mouth-until-they-fall-over types].
I rather think that can be avoided by properly embracing the distributed
databases that do indeed function. Some can be side-stepped with RIR-
based IRRs, and decently distributed down to LIRs, but we all know ARIN
is still playing catchup here so it doesn't help our sphere in the
near term.

A reasonable amount of authority centralization in this case is at the
RIR level, particularly if it adds security mechanisms that provide some
level of authorization over who is registering what prefixes. There is
no reason that I should need to run my own database, if the system was
designed properly.

> Again, we've made a horrible system here.

I think you've misspelled 'front end'. The system certainly seems to
function, and the entire intent was that SPs would build their own
customer-facing tools as well as internal tools. Seems we've fallen
down in that regard, but irrpt [even if in php :-P] and the revival of
IRRtoolset are indications that folks are still interested in building
the internal widgets. In general I think you'd agree that the 'back
end' of most all service providers did not keep pace with the growth
of commoditization of service.

The databases are full of garbage data, a large portion of the networks
who do use it have as-set objects which expand to be completely
worthless (either blocking all their customers, or allowing the entire
internet), and there is a significant percentage of the bgp speaking
Internet who can't figure it out at all (including a lot of otherwise
theoretically competent tier 1's). Even of the people who use it, a LOT
of it only works because of wide-spread and often unauthorized proxy
registration, which IMHO is even more evil than not having it at all.

I'm by no means advocating the hosts.txt approach, clearly we NEED a
scalable automated system for managing authorized prefixes, but by every
measurable standard I can come up with the end result is a festering
pile of crap. I really don't think you can completely dismiss the back
end (both implementation and design) as part of those problems.