Flexible BGP liist?

So we have a wiki list of 1U rack hosting.

How about a list of SP's willing to configure BGP over whatever you got, including tunnels? And willing to allocate you space for same?

Put me down there.


So we have a wiki list of 1U rack hosting.

We do? where? all I see on http://nanog.cluepon.net is spam

How about a list of SP's willing to configure BGP over whatever you got,
including tunnels? And willing to allocate you space for same?

Put me down there.

me too.

I can't speak for IPv4, but I know Hurricane Electric is doing BGP with me
for my IPv6 block over a tunnel, free, through their tunnelbroker.net site.


Le 16/03/12 03:41, Joe Maimon a �crit :

How about a list of SP's willing to configure BGP over whatever you got,
including tunnels?

Depends on what you're looking for : transit over tunnels is prety rare
because it's generally a bad idea (MTU issues, BW cost over transits).
If you just want to get a BGP feed for studies and statistics, with no
forwarding involved, I guess I'd be willing to participate (AS197422).
But an eBGP multihop session is enough, no need for a tunnel there.

And willing to allocate you space for same?

Isn't any RIR memeber list sufficient ?