fleet.navy.mil DNS / network ops contact please

Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:36:22 +0530
From: Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.lists@gmail.com>
To: Curtis Doty <Curtis@greenkey.net>
Subject: Re: fleet.navy.mil DNS / network ops contact please
Cc: NANOG <nanog@merit.edu>

> The information you seek is traditionally stored in the SOA record.
> fleet.navy.mil SOA ns1.fleet.navy.mil. prnoc.fleet.navy.mil. 2005090600
> 1800 900 3600000 1800
> Why there is no @ sign is a mystert left to the reader of the RFCs or of
> the Cricket book. :-/

Traditionally, yes. But again, TIA for a fleet.navy.mil network /
dns contact .. Email sent to quite a few role accounts, I assure you
- no response that i know of And no navy.mil dns / network ops
contacts in the puck.nether.net list eithet ..

Is this a connectivity issue? If so, ...

I seem to remember reading somewhere in the news that the US Military
has cut off connectivity with all commercial sites/networks for members
deployed or overseas. While I did not have email and such when *I* was
deployed 13-15 years ago, it may be that "fleet.navy.mil" is considered
part of that portion of the MILnet that was cutoff.

Gregory Hicks