Flash crowds and network management

bicknell@dimension.NET (Leo Bicknell) writes:

That's 5600 hits a second, for those who don't want to
fire up bc. Not bad.

Some government servers were seeing over 10,000 hits per second
at the peak, about double CNN's load.

So does anyone have any practical/technical advise on how the
government sites could have done better. Be carefull about
following IBM's webhosting manager J.D. Zeeman's example of
foot-in-mouth problem when he said "I doubt they are scalable
to the extent of the ones we have." LOC's servers were made
by IBM.

Sean Donelan wrote:

So does anyone have any practical/technical advise on how the
government sites could have done better.

  I was very surprised that there was no option to download the whole
package. I would very much liked to have had a tar.gz to download with
the Starr report and Clinton's response, and in fact I put together such
a package for our local mirror. I think that many of the people who
visited the sites probably saved the files to disk to read later, I know
I did. Sean, if you want the URL feel free to mail me privately.

  I would have put together a tar.gz and a pk-zip'ed version of the files
themselves, and a small README file describing how to use the file:///
URL type since many "average" internet users don't know how to use this
feature, but probably would if they had the opportunity, especially with
something like this that is of "historic" (or prurient, whatever :slight_smile:

  Also, the .htm file extension caused some problems with one of my
systems. I just renamed them to .html and used sed on 2toc.htm[l] and
was back in business.

Hope this is of use,
