"firewalls" at high speed -- resending

Hopefully this gets thru this time since the last time I sent it (Sept 30)
I received:
<nanog@merit.edu>: Command died with status 2: "/private/majordomo/wrapper
    resend -l nanog -h merit.edu -s nanog-outgoing". Command output: Can't
    locate getopts.pl in @INC (@INC contains:
    /usr/local/perl-5.004_04/lib/site_perl .) at
    /private/majordomo-1.94.4/resend line 74.
and no one from Merit has responded yet to my email.

Alex Rudnev observed,

Folks, why all you are saying about the Gigabit traffic for the firewall?

Usially, firewall stand between intranet and internet, and it should
proceed your upstream traffic, not more... And than, it's important to
measure the throughput in packets/per_second, not in the gigabits...

Everything other is true - I suggess no one good firewall can proceed
gigabit traffic at all, and only a few specially designed boxes can
proceed 100Mbit traffic. But just again - it's a rare case when you does
have 100Mbit upstream link.

Super Firewalls!

Almost all hit 72Mb/sec or more whether NAT was disabled or enabled.

To quote from the article:

                            Once again we started with a baseline test.
With no
                            firewall on the test bed, we achieved TCP
                            forwarding rates of 15.6 Mbyte/s over each
                            four-minute run of the test scripts; this works
out to
                            nearly 125 Mbit/s. So why didn�t we get the
                            200-Mbit/s theoretical maximum of a switched,
                            full-duplex test bed? First and foremost, our
                            measurements are taken at the application
layer. It�s
                            likely that packet headers and the continuous
                            opening and closing of SMTP connections took a
                            bite out of the effective data rate. Second,
                            offered lots of traffic that the rule sets
                            denied�so at least some of the time the wire was
                            occupied carrying traffic that wouldn�t be
                            Third, there may have been a firepower
limitation in
                            the amount of traffic our clients and servers
                            offer. We can�t say for certain how much the
                            degradation is due to application overhead, and
                            much to test platform limitations.

I would think that 200Mb/sec is achievable with not much effort and perhaps
the next testing round will prove it.
