financial peering?

Does anyone know if there is a peering point setup to pass traffic to
credit card processes such as First Data and or the ATM interexchange

If you're talking about exchanging IP traffic with a payment processor, I don't think there is an exchange point dedicated to them. They would either buy transit from a provider, or have a presence at one or more public exchange points. If you want to use a specific payment processor, many of the ones I've seen have a way to move payment info securely over the public Internet, or if you have a large enough transaction volume (or your business policies require it), a circuit directly to the processor's network might be an option.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by an "ATM interexchange network".


Does anyone know if there is a peering point setup to pass traffic to
credit card processes such as First Data and or the ATM interexchange

What features would you want / need that are not present on a normal Layer 3 exchange ? Exchange mediated NAT/PAT ?


Does anyone know if there is a peering point setup to pass traffic to
credit card processes such as First Data and or the ATM interexchange

If you're talking about exchanging IP traffic with a payment processor,
I don't think there is an exchange point dedicated to them. They would
either buy transit from a provider, or have a presence at one or more
public exchange points. If you want to use a specific payment
processor, many of the ones I've seen have a way to move payment info
securely over the public Internet, or if you have a large enough
transaction volume (or your business policies require it), a circuit
directly to the processor's network might be an option.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by an "ATM interexchange network".

There are financial networking providers like SAVVIS and others who
handle this. There are a number of others including parties with PCI-DSS
competence in their compliance models.

The evidence capture and maintanence requirements for these closed
networks are very strict so, they dont allow non-players to participate
in their activities.

The Banking Service orgs like DIRBOLD Financial for instance or NCR or
any of a couple dozen other providers do this type of thing...

What specifically are you looking to do with them?