Fiber Outage in Sunnyvale, CA.

I heard there is a fiber outage in Sunnyvale that has taken out most of
the city. Can someone from AT&T Provide any kind of clue on what's going
on? I'm being told by one of our partners that their entire building is
without service in Sunnyvale and apparently they've talked to other
businesses in the area that have fiber-based services who are also down.

Shon Elliott
Senior Network Engineer
unWired Broadband, Inc.
Office: (559) 261-4444 x 511
Cell: (559) 917-6480

No problems here on the western side of 101 with our AT&T Opt-e-man.

That said, the majority of fiber in the Sunnyvale area is on the other side
of 101.


Near Lawrence, between El Camino and Central, seems to be working fine to the home.


I'll confirm. Ticket# FE00 7756

This has taken out half of my opteman circuit from Mountain View. AT&T tells me it's a hardware failure with an ETR around 6pm Pacific.