Fiber cut in SF area

Just dropping a note that there is a fiber cut in the SF area (I have a
metro line down). AboveNet is reporting issues and I've heard unconfirmed
reports that ATT and VZW are affected as well.


Confirmed VZW & ATT;

Rather widespread "general telco" outage, the county has deployed
extra patrol units in the south bay to compensate for not being able
to call 911.

Third video link in shows repairs underway.

News coverage:

And not that I expect any useful updates:


Anyone know where the actual cut is?

isn't there a mailing list for this sort of thing? outages@ I think it is?

(not that I mind, just a little advert for the appropriate forum, and
a place that MAY have some useful info on this topic)

Ravi Pina wrote:

News coverage:

And not that I expect any useful updates:

Lots of folks covering the same thing...

Also reports of power outages as well:

Here is something interesting...

Monterey Highway I think

From the news coverage it appears to be in the general area of


Mike Lyon writes:

Anyone know where the actual cut is?

According to SF Chronicle:

"The fiber-optic cables were severed shortly before 1:30 a.m. along Monterey
Highway north of Blossom Hill Road in south San Jose, police Sgt. Ronnie Lopez

Vicintity of 121.81 W 37.26 N, but I have no idea specifically where in that
general area. There are train tracks through there, could well be
a vault along the train tracks alongside Monterey Highway. But I don't
know specifically where the AT&T fiber runs down there.

-george william herbert

Monterey Road just north of Blossom Hill, San Jose

Jared put together long time ago <outages at> seems to still be
active and receiving reports about this one.

List archive is at

My .02

Hey Chris,

Yes. is the one.


Christopher Morrow wrote:

nice article on bitgravity blog regarding the cuts..

Yeah. It's on outages. Not much useful there.

Christopher Morrow wrote:

Anyone know where the actual cut is?

Based on the previously posted news articles ..

First one is in this proximity : 37°15'20.79"N 121°48'9.38"W
Second one is in this proximity : 37°29'44.00"N 122°14'44.31"W

First one is along a highway .. second one is along railroad tracks. Google Earth's imagray of both areas is quite good (~.5m maybe) .. but not quite good enough to make out manholes.

Also interesting to note .. from one of the news articles .. "AT&T's contract with the Communication Workers of America expired at 11:59 p.m. Saturday"


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

Interesting. The report I got from a vendor was that it is with a fiber cut in Redwood City which is affecting a circuit of mine between 200 Paul in SF and PAIX in Palo Alto, which is a ways from south San Jose.


Jorge Amodio wrote:

The fact that it's vandalism is VERY annoying. Sadly it also shows how vulnerable we are. I'm guessing the next Die Hard movie will have the baddies cutting fiber trunks before trying to steal the money?

First one is in this proximity : 37°15'20.79"N 121°48'9.38"W

Street view shows a few manholes in the vicinity.

Second one is in this proximity : 37°29'44.00"N 122°14'44.31"W

Didn't see anything obvious here.

Michael Holstein wrote:

Anyone know where the actual cut is?

Based on the previously posted news articles ..

First one is in this proximity : 37�15'20.79"N 121�48'9.38"W
Second one is in this proximity : 37�29'44.00"N 122�14'44.31"W

First one is along a highway .. second one is along railroad tracks. Google Earth's imagray of both areas is quite good (~.5m maybe) .. but not quite good enough to make out manholes.

The manholes are clearly visible on the zoomed in images for the first location (Old County Road, San Carlos). There is a line of 3 closely spaced manholes easily seen in the middle of the south/east bound lane - about 100-150 feet south/east (towards Redwood City) from where Google places this location:

37�29'44.00"N 122�14'44.31"W

If you go to Google's Street View at the second location:

37�29'44.00"N 122�14'44.31"W

There's a manhole right there. However, the TV footage shows them accessing the lines from a manhole in the dirt along the tracks, not a manhole in the street.
