Fiber aggregators and such

With all the $ being spent expanding fiber in the last mile, I’ve got a theory that a lot of new and diverse fiber routes are being built between locations.

There’s a few places I know that roll up some of this information, but I’m wondering if there’s anyone rolling this all up either publicly or privately.

On-list and off-list replies welcome.

- Jared


In the North Alabama area, you are certainly correct. And as a
well-known central entity in that region, we have sort of
unintentionally become one of the arbiters of this subject. So of
course internally we are aggregating all the information.

The problem is that, at least half the time I learn of this
information, either the other entities aren't willing to disclose the
real details, or they disclose the details to me but it's expected
that I not share them outside of my own organization. I think there is
a very careful attitude around making sure not just anyone can get
this information, especially after the Nashville bombing on Christmas
Day 2020.

Maybe there could be a public aggregator of those who aggregate the
information privately...?? Not sure what the answer is here.

I think there is
a very careful attitude around making sure not just anyone can get
this information, especially after the Nashville bombing on Christmas
Day 2020.

Keeping fiber location info close to the vest is nothing new. I’m not now sure why/how you feel like this connects to the Nashville incident.

I wouldn't say it's new, but in this area (TN Valley), things
definitely tightened up even more, in the wake of that incident.
Probably due to proximity to Nashville. I can't speak to any other
regions of course.

I saw willingness to share large-scale KMZs drop significantly after that incident. It definitely had an impact.