fema.net dnssec issues

Anybody have a good DNS tech contact at FEMA? I tried to report a dnssec problem to them but apparently the contact listed in whois is out of the office. In the meantime we have a near hurricane-strength storm approaching.

Antonio Querubin
e-mail: tony@lavanauts.org
xmpp: antonioquerubin@gmail.com

Antonio Querubin <tony@lavanauts.org> writes:

Anybody have a good DNS tech contact at FEMA? I tried to report a
dnssec problem to them but apparently the contact listed in whois is
out of the office. In the meantime we have a near hurricane-strength
storm approaching.

fema.net looks like it belongs to who you'd expect, and indeed the
dnssec is broken, but their web site seems to be broken when you try
to visit it from a non-validating location too.

fema.gov appears to be working properly.

it would not have occurred to me to use fema.net to contact the
fema.gov people and it comes to me as a complete surprise that they
even own fema.net. are they pushing fema.net in their advertising or

best of luck in the storm; stay dry.
