FCC - with Klezmer backup


wondering who is going to publically announce any changes prior to the 20nov date.

Or is this a non-issue for the Internet as we know it?


Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 19:53:46 +0000
From: bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: FCC - with Klezmer backup


wondering who is going to publically announce any changes prior to the
20nov date.

Or is this a non-issue for the Internet as we know it?

I suspect that anyone that was doing it hadn't made any noise about
_doing_ it, so they're unlikely to announce that they've _stopped_ do
ing so. All such an announcement would accomplish is to 'confirm
suspicions', which is (obviously) not to that provider's advantage.

but there -are- reporting requirements now... :slight_smile:
  and a formal complaint process...

  flash mobs - ready to file complaints about Ameritech? PacBell? GTE?


What does

"commercial terms of their broadband services."


Peering arrangements? Transit pricing?

This guy, who seems to have 'is feces all assembled, thinks that it will
just be a game of T-ball: everyone has fun, no one gets hurt:


He also notes that L3/GBLX was approved, in a more recent post.

-- jra