[FCC to charge by minute for e-mail usage (fwd)

Nathan Stratton sez:

Yes, this is last years news, but it is also very important to watch this
issue to make sure something like this does not go into effect. People
like the ACTA are pumping large amounts of money into legal battles. The
fight is sill going on by www.von.org and others. Internet Telephony has
already been banned in places like India where it is illegal to use PC
based Internet Telephony or PSTN/IP gateways.

It is NOT last year's news.
The battlefield has moved, the enemies the same....

Look at the FCC page again and see:

  The FCC issued an unrelated public notice, DA 98-2,
  on January 5, 1998 in connection with a report to
  Congress on universal service. Pursuant to the FCC's
  1998 appropriations legislation, the Commission must
  submit a report by April 10, 1998 on several issues
---> including the legal status of Internet services under
  the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments in response
  to the public notice are due January 20, 1998, and reply
  comments are due February 2, 1998. Informal comments may
  be sent by email to <usreport@fcc.gov>.