FCC Rules For VoIP E911 Challenged


August 16, 2005

FCC Rules For VoIP E911 Challenged

Nuvio files appeal of FCC's order for VoIP providers to implement
emergency calling systems.

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A provider of Internet phone calls is challenging new
Federal Communication Commission rules requiring the company to ensure
reliable 911 emergency call service.

Nuvio Corporation, which has about 10,000 subscribers, has filed a motion
with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia asking the
court to hear the case, company spokeswoman Heather Carmichael said Monday.

``We have worked diligently to provide our users with 911 access,'' said
Jason Talley, president and chief executive of Nuvio. But, he said, ``the
120-day requirement imposed by the FCC is arbitrary and capricious and
without support in the record.''

Nuvio, based in Overland Park, Kan., is a provider of Voice over Internet
Protocol, also known as VoIP.

The company asked the court to expedite the case and rule by Nov. 7. If
there's no decision by then, Nuvio warned it will have no choice but to
start suspending some customers.

In May, the FCC ordered Nuvio and other providers of Internet-based phone
calls to certify that their customers will be able to reach an emergency
dispatcher when they call 911. Dispatchers also must be able to identify
the caller's phone number and location.

The companies were given until Nov. 28 to comply.

The FCC declined to comment on Nuvio's appeal.