Faster 'Net growth rate raises fears about routers

In the referenced message, Roeland Meyer said:

My latest quote for a new DSL connection is 42 days. T1s are 6-8 weeks.
Bigger pipes are 2-6 months for the fastest response, many cases are longer.

Back to business failures, the DSL world is looking rocky at best. Rythms
isn't looking very solid and neither is Covad. Some of the NorthPoint
customers are not going with either, electing to go with the local RBOC
instead (despite the hassles and long lead-times). What many businesses
really need is true multi-homing.


So, if people picked better providers, they wouldn't need to multihome.
You feel you need to multihome, because you keep picking DSL, which just
isn't a good choce for "mission critical applications".

Yo Stephen!

What about CAIS Hotel/Apartment/DSL? They're about due to be de-listed
from NASDAQ and it doesn't look like KKR is planning to throw more money
at them...

I think they use COVAD, though, so at least the switch will be a (little)
less hectic one.


Stephen Griffin wrote:

In the referenced message, Roeland Meyer said:
> My latest quote for a new DSL connection is 42 days. T1s are 6-8 weeks.
> Bigger pipes are 2-6 months for the fastest response, many cases are longer.
> Back to business failures, the DSL world is looking rocky at best. Rythms
> isn't looking very solid and neither is Covad. Some of the NorthPoint
> customers are not going with either, electing to go with the local RBOC
> instead (despite the hassles and long lead-times). What many businesses
> really need is true multi-homing.

So, if people picked better providers, they wouldn't need to multihome.
You feel you need to multihome, because you keep picking DSL, which just
isn't a good choce for "mission critical applications".

UUNet had some sort of routing problem a few days ago, according to
reports on NANOG. I guess UUNet isn't on your list of providers to pick
either, eh? A few years ago the network supporting the Chicago
commodities exchange died, and was out for a week. That was a major

As others have argued, EVERYONE has problems at some point in time. Some
applications are critical enough that multi-homing is a necessity.
Ultimately people with the applications which require it will insist on
having the redundancy. The cost isn't necessarily the issue, especially
when the cost of not having redundancy is financial ruin, or risking
people's lives.