Fall Boardwatch or April Fools ?!

Check out ... http://www.boardwatch.com/isp/fallisp/intermci.htm

"On March 18, 1996, MCI announced [yada yada yada, more backbone,
OC-3 circuits, direct connections blah blah blah] ..."

And then my favorite part.. "They maintain a Network Operations
Center in Carey [sic], North Carolina.

Sean Doran is Senior Network Engineer. "

==>Check out ... http://www.boardwatch.com/isp/fallisp/intermci.htm
==>"On March 18, 1996, MCI announced [yada yada yada, more backbone,
==>OC-3 circuits, direct connections blah blah blah] ..."
==>And then my favorite part.. "They maintain a Network Operations
==>Center in Carey [sic], North Carolina.
==>Sean Doran is Senior Network Engineer. "

I looked at the paper guide handed out at NANOG. In there, they list Sean
Doran as the Senior Network Engineer for both Sprint and MCI.

Conflict of interest? =)


I looked at the paper guide handed out at NANOG. In there, they list Sean
Doran as the Senior Network Engineer for both Sprint and MCI.

Conflict of interest? =)

Hey, Sean, can you be my Senior Network Engineer, too? Duties include
sleeping up to 8 hours every night and drinking (1) free beer should we
happen to end up at the same bar some evening at a conference.

But it'd look so great on my letterhead ...

I think that 8 hrs of sleep part might be difficult. :slight_smile:


He did say, "up to" 8 hrs. Come on. Who has really slept like that
outside of Kindergarten?


In general, I found this issue at least (I can't speak for other issues)
to be one of the most grossly inaccurate pieces of "journalism" I've ever
seen :wink:

Then again, coming from the same people who told one letter writer to "Go
to the InterNIC" for the 8 IP addresses he wanted....


I sleep from about 2 AM -> 10 AM :slight_smile:

I guess I never outgrew the luxury of sleeping for 8 hours.

Anyway, why doesn't someone just mail the editor of Boardwatch [a nice guy
I might add], and correct all the mistakes that are in it. Boardwatch is
just starting to become an Internet oriented magazine, they are bound to
make mistakes. Even include a few URL's of pointers which would be

Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
[now that was corny wasn't it?]
