Facebook Issues/Outage in Southeast?

Anyone else having trouble? We're colo'ed at the NOTA in Miami and directly peer with them - even though our session hasn't gone down we still can't reach them.

Ernesto M. Rubi
Sr. Network Engineer
Florida International Univ, Miami
Cell: 786-282-6783

Over on the outages list there is a lot of discussion... I believe
everyone is effected - we are peered with them in several locations and
cannot reach them.


Over the last 30 minutes or more (UK)


Via http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/facebook.com

It's not just you! http://facebook.com looks down from here.

Also down from LA, qwest has been having issues today as well, not sure if its related.

Over on the outages list there is a lot of discussion... I believe
everyone is effected - we are peered with them in several locations and
cannot reach them.


    --Steve Bellovin, Steven M. Bellovin

Which outages list?


outages@outages.org :wink:


Via http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/facebook.com

It's not just you! http://facebook.com looks down from here.

Also down from LA, qwest has been having issues today as well, not sure if its related.

    About 45 minutes ago traceroutes died...

[jjn@K2 ~]$ traceroute www.facebook.com
traceroute to www.facebook.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte
1 DR-LVL3.nuge.com ( 1.083 ms 1.695 ms 1.934 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 31.257 ms 34.148 ms 37.801 ms
4 ge-5-0-155.hsa1.Detroit1.Level3.net ( 41.258 ms 43.576
5 so-8-1.car1.Detroit1.Level3.net ( 51.752 ms 54.577 ms
6 ae-8-8.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net ( 76.007 ms 75.161 ms
7 ae-5-5.ebr2.Chicago2.Level3.net ( 76.469 ms 48.544 ms
8 ae-6-6.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.net ( 64.813 ms 63.952
9 ae-5-5.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net ( 61.980 ms 63.616
10 ae-92-92.csw4.Washington1.Level3.net ( 74.941 ms 73.267
ms ae-72-72.csw2.Washington1.Level3.net ( 80.951 ms
11 ae-2-79.edge3.Washington4.Level3.net ( 74.694 ms
    ae-1-69.edge3.Washington4.Level3.net ( 108.301 ms
    ae-2-79.edge3.Washington4.Level3.net ( 80.238 ms
12 FACEBOOK-IN.edge3.Washington4.Level3.net ( 110.998 ms
13 ae2.bb02.iad2.tfbnw.net ( 89.248 ms 86.623 ms 85.374
14 ae11.bb02.sjc1.tfbnw.net ( 114.421 ms 117.183 ms
15 ae1.dr01.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 96.802 ms
    ae2.dr01.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 99.674 ms
    ae1.dr02.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 98.270 ms
16 po509.csw02b.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 94.258 ms
    po509.csw02a.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 94.511 ms
    po510.csw02b.snc5.tfbnw.net ( 94.792 ms
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *

   The 10 minutes ago the Aikami frontend answered with this:

(apologies for cross posting)

Ernie Rubi wrote:

Anyone else having trouble? We're colo'ed at the NOTA in Miami and directly peer with them - even though our session hasn't gone down we still can't reach them.

It will be interesting to see if global spam traffic goes down as well? Since that's pretty much facebook's raison d'être.

That's about yesterday's outage...but it has a helpful link to Facebook's twitter, where they apparently just posted[1]

   We've fixed the issue with a third-party networking provider, and anyone
   impacted should be able to access Facebook normally.

yet facebook.com is still largely busted. The main page took quite a while, but did eventually load. Clicking links on it yields:

  Service Unavailable - DNS failure

  The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try
  again later.
  Reference #11.e321d0d1.1285271763.14f5425

I think they're still dealing with some issues.

[1] I don't use twitter, and though it says that was posted "less than 20 seconds ago via HootSuite", I call BS...because minutes later, it still says "less than 20 seconds ago..." So for all I know, that could be their tweet from yesterday.

productivity in NA just sky rocketed!


fb is looking good from nevis. dunno about st kitts.


Whoa...there is clairvoyance for you...that article is from yesterday...wonder if the author provides stock tips???

Facebook down...where is the "Like" button?

That tool is very inefficient and often incorrect.

It's up for me in the North-East. Should be back now, I hope.

However, www.v6.facebook.com works fine.



They are having a major API latency issue.

Jeff Cornejo
Blue Ridge InternetWorks
321 East Main St | Suite 200 | Charlottesville, VA | 22902
+1.434.817.0707 office
+1.434.531.4141 mobile

Justin Horstman wrote:

Via http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/facebook.com

It's not just you! http://facebook.com looks down from here.

Is downforeveryoneorjustme.com down for everyone, or just me?

Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.

I wonder if it's melting under the load of people checking to see if facebook is down for everyone....


Over on the outages list there is a lot of discussion... I believe
everyone is effected - we are peered with them in several locations and
cannot reach them.


That's about yesterday's outage...but it has a helpful link to Facebook's twitter, where they apparently just posted[1]

We've fixed the issue with a third-party networking provider, and anyone
impacted should be able to access Facebook normally.

yet facebook.com is still largely busted. The main page took quite a while, but did eventually load. Clicking links on it yields:

Service Unavailable - DNS failure

The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try
again later.
Reference #11.e321d0d1.1285271763.14f5425

I think they're still dealing with some issues.

[1] I don't use twitter, and though it says that was posted "less than 20 seconds ago via HootSuite", I call BS...because minutes later, it still says "less than 20 seconds ago..." So for all I know, that could be their tweet from yesterday.

If you are talking about the direct twitter GUI, it doesn't change the estimated delay time until you do something to refresh it (refresh the page, send new content, etc.).


Forgot to CC my last reply. Managed to load over v6 once, then shot me the
finger and said no more. Somebody forget to pay the internet bill this

downforeveryoneorjustme.com is down for me. How about everybody else?
