Facebook issue

Anyone having issue with Facebook?




It's returning an empty set of html tags

Facebook Goes Down Amid Rollout of New Brand Pages - http://on.mash.to/f36qqA

Bobby Glover
Director of Information Services
South Valley Internet

Yep... Seeing serious issues from our office here at AS11404, we are peered directly and all looks good at the IP layer but all of us who wanted to procrastinate here at the office are having trouble getting page loads to complete. Oddly, no noc tickets yet.


Yup. Productivity just shot up I can feel it


+1 from the uk


Back up now from Toronto.


up for me ...

Working fine in Northern Virginia on Cox and Cogent.


Somebody obviously backed out the change because it's
back up again. Mashable has a blurb on it.


We detected it about 3:40 eastern, and they just announced it on the status page.

"We are currently investigating sitewide issues that will affect Facebook Platform. We apologize for any inconvenience and will post here with updates."

this should maybe be moved to outages@ though (depending on who you ask, of course)

In related news, employers around the country enjoyed a peak of
productivity this afternoon.....

Our NOC just got off the phone with L3 and they report a "IP issue" out of
Philadelphia. No other details though.


These will solve your issue quickly

It must be to busy now running face recognition software all the faces on
all the pictures they have. :slight_smile:

Always have but that's just me.

Comcast must have planned this so that we would flood the list with useless Facebook messages rather then harass them about their lousy traffic management issues ;)!