facebook ipv6 is down?


It seems that on the last 3 hours facebook isn't available via ipv6, when
tracing from HE I don't even get to FB network, only as far as Ashburn on
their network,

When tracing from nl-ix I get to facebook network but the trace stops

traceroute6 -I www.v6.facebook.com

traceroute to www.v6.facebook.com (2620:0:1cfe:face:b00c:0:3:0), 30 hops
max, 40 byte packets

1 2a01:1b0:705::f (2a01:1b0:705::f) 3.858 ms 3.744 ms 3.504 ms

2 bit.telecity2.nlsix.net (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2) 2.133 ms 2.061 ms
1.923 ms

3 br01.ams1.tfbnw.net (2001:7f8:1::a503:2934:1) 3.276 ms 3.159 ms 3.000

4 ae28.bb02.iad1.tfbnw.net (2620:0:1cff:dead:beef::485) 90.835 ms 91.009
ms 90.953 ms

5 ae12.bb02.sjc1.tfbnw.net (2620:0:1cff:dead:beef::85) 160.883 ms 160.820
ms 160.897 ms

6 ae2.pr01.sjc1.tfbnw.net (2620:0:1cff:dead:beef::10) 152.688 ms 152.638
ms 152.890 ms

7 * * *

8 * * *

9 * * *

10 * * *

Is anyone else having the same issue?



Yes, its down from Asian route via C&W for atleast an hour now (first
problem reported).


Aftab A. Siddiqui

It's been down three times today, first from 2:58 pm to 5:58 pm Central, and
then again from 7:59 pm to 9:58 pm, and then again from 10:59 pm till now.

Interesting that the up and downs have been one to two minutes before the


* Ido Szargel

It seems that on the last 3 hours facebook isn't available via ipv6, when
tracing from HE I don't even get to FB network, only as far as Ashburn on
their network,

When tracing from nl-ix I get to facebook network but the trace stops

Is anyone else having the same issue?

Yes, but only to their IPv6-only host name. Their main host name works.

$ curl -v http://www.v6.facebook.com
* About to connect() to www.v6.facebook.com port 80 (#0)
* Trying 2620:0:1cfe:face:b00c:0:3:0... Timeout
* connect() timed out!

$ curl -v http://www.facebook.com
* About to connect() to www.facebook.com port 80 (#0)
* Trying 2620:0:1c18:0:face:b00c:0:3... connected
* Connected to www.facebook.com (2620:0:1c18:0:face:b00c:0:3) port 80 (#0)

I've been seeing the same thing - up and down for the last 3 days. The site has been unreachable approximately 50% of the time according to my monitoring system.

The other interesting thing is that the failures did not occur at the same time for all regions. Two of my monitoring nodes are seeing completely different patterns of outages.

Could they be testing switching to v6 on the regular domain?

I doubt it since no v6 address is listed in dns for facebook.com or


Actually www.facebook.com has a AAAA entry when your DNS is whitelisted
like with Free.fr

$ host www.facebook.com
www.facebook.com has address
www.facebook.com has IPv6 address 2620:0:1c18:0:face:b00c::

You're using a DNS resolver or coming from a network that's facebook
blessed. Note the difference:

server:# dig AAAA www.facebook.com @ordns.he.net +short
server:# dig AAAA www.facebook.com @ +short


Interesting. I was using google DNS ( when i made my previous
