Exodus (last post)

I believe you are talking about Libel, and if I recall, that requires the
following tests be met:

  1. Malice of intent
  2. Knowledgeable untruth

If either is missing, I believe libel cannot be prosecuted.

IANAL either.


I believe you are talking about Libel, and if I recall, that requires the
following tests be met:

  1. Malice of intent
  2. Knowledgeable untruth

If either is missing, I believe libel cannot be prosecuted.

Yep, that was what NetRail was missing with me. It is very hard to shut
someone up who is telling the truth. Exodus should get together with
NetRail, at least their legal people sound like a match.

IANAL either.



Nathan Stratton Telecom & ISP Consulting
www.robotics.net nathan@robotics.net


However, the main diff. here is that you were a NetRail founder/exec,
while we are a current customer of Exodus. Such treatment of *customers*
is truly despicable, and really does stray far from the responsive and
courteous support we SHOULD be subjected to...

There is a simple solution to this - become an ex-customer.

Any firm which assaults your sensibilities is one you should not be
affiliated with. Period.

> Yep, that was what NetRail was missing with me. It is very hard to shut
> someone up who is telling the truth. Exodus should get together with
> NetRail, at least their legal people sound like a match.


However, the main diff. here is that you were a NetRail founder/exec,
while we are a current customer of Exodus. Such treatment of *customers*
is truly despicable, and really does stray far from the responsive and
courteous support we SHOULD be subjected to...

True, so why not ditch them as a transit provider?


Nathan Stratton Telecom & ISP Consulting
www.robotics.net nathan@robotics.net

My recommendation is that we kill this part of the thread before someone gets
sued for slander and defamation and harrassment. This is serious advice and
I really sincerely hope you take it.

Henry R. Linneweh

Nathan Stratton wrote:

I, too, suggest we drop this, as it's leading nowhere productive.

The problems with Exodus remain (surprise, surprise!), and we have not
heard a peep out of them (besides that silly, poorly informed, and
presumably bored attorney, that is). We have complained all the way up to
the CEO (Ellen Hancock), to no avail.

Simply amazing.

Nathan, are you following the "renumber my ip addresses" thread,
elsewhere on the list? :slight_smile:

-- jra