Exodus / Clue problems

The owner did not allow any further action to the box except to have it
removed from the network . So until the owner sends someone in to clean up
we won't know anything more.

  8-( Did Exodus atleast try to do some sniffing of traffic or
captures at the router or SOMETHING? Or will we never know anything more
about this?


Was this issue escalated to their senior security people in CA?

(If not, I would venture to say no. If so, please consult your magic 8
ball for the answer. :sunglasses:

> The owner did not allow any further action to the box except to have it
> removed from the network . So until the owner sends someone in to clean up
> we won't know anything more.
  8-( Did Exodus atleast try to do some sniffing of traffic or
captures at the router or SOMETHING? Or will we never know anything more
about this?

The way to deal with owners like this is to have a good contact with FBI
folks that investigate this stuff. Believe it or not, FBI is quite
efficient in obtaining evidence :wink:
