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It would *great* if an English version of this page existed. :-/

- paul

It would *great* if an English version of this page existed. :-/

How about a summary?

> Embratel - PIR

1. Introduction - introduces definitions such as
                  PBI = NSP like Sprint, MCI, et al.
                  PSCI = ISP like Panix, Netaxs, et al.
                  RAR = academic nets like Merit
                  AUT = ISP's who bypass the national backbone. These
                        do not exist in the USA but do in Canada and
                        some other countries
                  IR = Network Interconnection
                  PIR = NAP or IXP
                  Embratel = the national telco
                  RNP = Brazil's version of NSFnet
                  GT-ER = WG on Network Engineering and Operation
                          sounds a bit like an formal NANOG.

In this scenario there's a growing need for a completely integrated
national Internet architecture in Brazil. The IR WG is defining the
archtecture and establishing the criteria for later implementation of
this. This document is based upon the American NAP experiences with the
intention of adapting it to the reality in Brazil.

2. IXP's - defines and IXP and points out that the IXP will not supply
           international transit, that's the job of the PBI's. Points out
           that everyone (PBI, AUT and RAR) must connect to the PIR's in
           order to keep all local traffic off international links. PIR's
           can be implemented with Ethernet, Fast Ether, FDDI, SMDS, ATM.
           Minimum requirements are T1 line and BGP capability. No AUP's
           allowed regarding traffic content.

3. Topics for discussion about IXP's.
   Various questions arise...
   Where will the PIR's be located?
   Who can connect directly to a PIR?
   What will be the minimum conditions for a network to connect to a PIR?
   What is the minimum physical structure of a PIR?
   What will be the minimum operational ?procedures (?installation,
   emergency situations PIR-PIR communication, PIR-network communication)?
   What will be the minimum security ?procedures imposed by a PIR?
   What will be the ? usage policy for information traffic in a PIR?
   What will be the ?procedures for collecting and processing statistical
   data on the traffic.
   Who can start and operate a PIR?
   How will PIR services be priced? Will they be fee-based?

[note: where a word begins with ? it means I'm not sure of the translation]

4. Initial Proposition

   Who can connect...? To get local traffic off the international links
                        all networks with an existing international
                        ?should?must connect and must direct all local
                        traffic to the PIR's.

   Where will they be? Where the major traffic volumes are. In the two
                        principal cities São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. For
                        strategic reasons a PIR will also go in the
                        capital city, Brasilia. As traffic levels evolve
                        Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, etc.

   Minimum conditions to connect? First, a PIR can be built with Fast
                                  Ethernet or FDDI. Connections to the PIR
                                  will be minimum of 512kbps. Fast Ether
                                  is cheap, FDDI more robust but complex.
   [this last sentence In the future new technologies will be
    is a full direct examined such as ATM, for example,
    translation of the original] following the tendency of the NAP's.

   Operational procedures? Hoped for service levels: 7/24 operation
                           and ?accessibility. 99.5% uptime, 2 hour
                           recovery time from critical problems.

   Minimum security? Participants will be responsible for security
                     of their own networks. No specific mechanisms to
                     be imposed by the PIR.

   Who can run one? Any company who has the knowledge to run one. Right
                    now Embratel and RNP are the most likely, each one
                    being responsible for one PIR; one in SP and one in RdJ

   Pricing? PIR services must be offered commercially for a monthly fee.
             Circuits must be bought from the local telco.

5. Conclusion As was mentioned previously, this is a first draft
                 regarding IR whith the objective of giving a basic
                 outline for debate. As suggestions and criticisms
                 are received, this text will be expanded possibly
                 leading to a recommendation that will be submitted
                 to the GT-ER Coordinator.


Another proposal directly from GT-ER for 3 PIR's again, with the goal
of keeping local traffic within the country. This is in the final stage
of discussion and in preparation for presentation to the Steering Group
the GT-ER coordination suggests the following changes:

Section 4. raise the minimum circuit to a PIR to E1(2Mbps) to ensure that
           the traffic already seen between Embratel and RNP can be

           The coordination of each PIR must have strong local
           participation. It appears the best form is to include the
           academic sector, local telco, and a council of all PIR

This is dated August 26, 1996 and is followed by a similar if not
identical document to the one on the Embratel site. I think June, 1996 was
when Brazilian ISP's met to form a national ISP association so I'm not
sure if they are involved here in any way.

I don't really know Portuguese, just French, Spanish and Latin, but I've
discovered that I can read Portuguese web pages almost as easily as
Spanish since they are quite close linguistically. However it is always
possible that I have grossly misinterpreted some word so, caveat emptor.

Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-250-546-3049 - E-mail: