Excessive Netflix DNS Traffic?

Hi all,

Is anyone seeing excessive DNS traffic from game consoles (Xbox One, PS4)
running Netflix? Starting 9/29 we have been seeing significant volume of
DNS traffic from game consoles on our campus to our caching recursive
boxes. Logs show repeated requests for api-global.netflix.com and

Anyone else experiencing this?


I was going to point you to the reddit thread about it, but it looks to be your thread :slight_smile:

Spencer Ryan | Senior Systems Administrator | sryan@arbor.net<mailto:sryan@arbor.net>
Arbor Networks
+1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m)

Same here :slight_smile:

We're rate limiting it now, but it's definitely bad behavior. When I open
the flood gates, over a 5-min sample from a single host I received well
over 61,000 queries.
The size of the records being requested cause this to be an (unintended)
amplification attack, as a 30Mbps inbound sum is getting amplified to
150-200Mbps outbound.

We have seen it as well.
In our cases it is all TCP DNS traffic as well.

Velocity Online

We (Netflix) are investigating this now.

We have seen it as well.
In our cases it is all TCP DNS traffic as well.

Velocity Online

Did (Netflix) find an issue?

Velocity Online