Excessive DNS Requests

Anyone else seeing excessive DNS requests hammering their local forwarders this evening. We’ve just taken our residence network off-line owing to the level of port 53 traffic coming from it. Can’t see anything in the usual places regarding this….



I see no abnormal dns requests on our caching aswell authorative

<quote who="Anderson, Ian">

Anyone else seeing excessive DNS requests hammering their local
forwarders this evening. We've just taken our residence network
off-line owing to the level of port 53 traffic coming from it. Can't
see anything in the usual places regarding this....

Things seem normal over here...

(authoritative ns)

Are the residents actually making legit DNS queries or just spewing down
port 53?


Have you considered zombie / trojan machines being used as spam vectors?

For example, here's a presentation at SANOG earlier this year - http://jameslick.com/zombies/Tracking%20A%20Zombie%20Army.pdf
