European/Asian equivalents to NANOG?

There is, of course, worldwide input into the NANOG list. Are there
equivalent and active lists for European and Asian ISPs? If so, how does
one sign up? I'm giving an European routing tutorial and want to be able
to refer students to appropriate lists/web pages on exterior routing in
their regions.

IEPG, of course, also applies.



Here is the same data I provided to a couple others who are trying
to reach operational people. They are not perfect but they do reach some
set of operations staff.

I'll also note that some lists restrict who can subscribe, based on
verifiable origin.
Note that having world-wide input into NANOG kind of defeats its purpose.


i believe that should be, bill.

steve h.


It would really make sense to have a heirarchy of ops lists, as there are
events/issues that have world-wide significance, and those that are more
regional in nature. It is the lack of these that results in the 'misuse'
of NANOG (plus the fact that most routes still transit the USA :-|).

Leaving out South America (onlybecauseIdon'tknow)

enredo is the closest of which i am aware.


> Leaving out South America (onlybecauseIdon'tknow)
enredo is the closest of which i am aware.

Steve H.

Leaving out South America (onlybecauseIdon'tknow)

enredo is the closest of which i am aware.

A lot of this is conducted in Spanish, the "other" language on this
side of the hemisphere.