My co-Bill, the estimable Mr. Manning wrote:
    >>> how/why is this proposed group distinct from the European
    >>> Operator Forum?

      Mr. DEFAYET replied:
    > NDSoftware exist.
    > Mike CHENEY exist.
    > EuroNOG is neutral.

However, I'm not sure that actually constituted an answer to the question.


  I'm still waiting.


> > NDSoftware exist.


  I'm still waiting.

NDsoftware does not exist, at least as a company in France. It is *not*
registered in any French directory of companies (check it out:

Therefore, we can try the following hypothesis:

1) ND software does not exist

2) ND software is a non-profit society, not a company

3) ND software exists in a parallel universe

4) ND software is incorporated in Jersey, Monaco, Virgin Islands or the
Bahamas, not in France

instead of spending our time and energy putting down fools, let us
try to be constructive. let's put our money where our mouths are.

i am soliciting presentations for the eof meeting in barcelona.
of particular interest a presentations on operationally oriented
research, heretofor little-presented operational best practices,
new and useful technologies, etc.

please send abstracts to me and i will stuff them into some sort
of program committee.


Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

[lots of cool stuff here]

4) ND software is incorporated in Jersey, Monaco, Virgin Islands or the Bahamas, not in France

I'd like the bahamas...
would be a great first meeting :slight_smile: