Ethernet performance tests

Hello everyone,

I am looking for performance test methodology for ethernet-based
circuits. These ethernet circuits can be: dark-fiber, l2circuit
(martini), l2vpn (kompella), vpls or ng-vpls. Sometimes, the ethernet
circuit can be a mix of these technologies, like below:

CPE <-> metro-e <-> l2circuit <-> l2vpn <-> l2circuit <-> metro-e <-> CPE

The goal is verify the performance end-to-end.

I am looking for tools that can check at least the following parameters:

- loss
- latency
- jitter
- bandwidth
- out-of-order delivery

At this moment I have been used IPerf to achieve these results. But I
would like to check if there is some test devices that can be used in
situations like that to verify the ethernet-based circuit performance.

The objective of these tests is to verify the signed SLAs of each
circuit before the customer start to use it.

I checked all MEF specifications and I only find something related to
performance for Circuit Emulation over Metro-E (which is not my case).

Appreciate your comments.

./diogo -montagner

many switch and routing vendors provide such functionality in their os.
this data can then be collected via SNMP, stored for reports and forwarded as events, when necessary.

For comissioning testing, you can use a hardware packet generator to send packets to an Ethernet demarcation with a MAC-swap loopback, and analyse the returned traffic.

For ongoing performance monitoring, having Y.1731 capable CPE is highly desirable.


We dispatch a technician to an end-site and perform tests either
head->head with another test set, or to a loop at a far-end..

We do ITU-T Y.156sam/EtherSAM and/or RFC2544 tests depending on the
customer requirements. (some customers require certain tests for x
^--All of our technicians are equipped with those EXFO sets and that
module. Also covers SONET/DS1/DS3 testing as well in a single easy(er)
to carry set..


Think JDSU also has some nice boxes. There's a few rack systems you can use which can either generate packets or provide a home base loop system for the end node test sets depending on your requirements.


Exfo, JDSU, Fluke all offer hand held test sets that can run a rfc2544 ( test. Do you own the path between cpe
<-> cpe? Remeber that for each km of fiber distance add about 4.9ms (one
way) of latency. Do basline tests on your cpe gear so you know what you are
working with from the being. Different tests at different speeds/cpe hand
off (1Gig fiber, 10Gig fiber, Copper @ 10/100/1000) so that all varations
are captured.

Did this at a pervious company, had to test everything in everything
deployable state.

Each KM does not ad 4.9ms......

More like ~1msec per 100km...

1/4/msec usually per OEO conversion (depends on the box)...

Hello everyone!!!

Thank you for all answers. These answers are really what I was looking for!!!!

./diogo -montagner

Hi Diogo

We use ixchariot endpoints installed on linux laptops to test sites
for voice readiness. Ixchariot calculates for you the MOS score and,
depending from the NIC, can also push close to 1 Gig of traffic. For
larger bandwidth tests (I believe 6-7 Gig) and fast re-route testing
(ms failover) we use ixia hardware.


How smooth is the Ixchariot data stream? When Chariot was a NetIQ product it seemed to generate regular spikes as the algorithm tried to correct the total throughput over a time interval.
It's not a problem for slow data rates but when testing near the limit of a circuit's capacity the spikes could sometimes overflow the buffers of Ethernet media converters and give false results.


I tried the "ultra high throughput" script just for fun to see how much I
could push ... I got a solid 920 mbps stream for the entire time I run the
test (circa 30-60 seconds) with not spikes. The hardware in that case were
two IBM hs-20 blades with broadcom chipsets.

I said for fun because if we use ixchariot for throughput tests usually is
just for small T1 sites (max 3xT1) so I have never seen the issue you
mentioned. Usually on the same T1, we fill the data VLAN with traffic and
then we run x voice pairs on the voice vlan to validate QoS (MOS score).

EXFO also sells the BRIX SLA verifier, which calculates RTT, packet
loss, and jitter for various applications running on top of the link

Hi all,

do you know if I will be able to use two different vendors to execute
these tests ? For example, let's say that I have one JDSU unit in the
side A and a EXFO unit in the side B. Will these tests work ?

If not, is there a way to execute these tests having two different vendors ?

./diogo -montagner