Ethernet EP - MAC Address Filtering

Just curious if anyone is performing MAC Address Filtering at any of
the Ethernet Exchange Points. If so has it been found to be easy to
administer or difficult where by peers may be changing Layer 3 devices
or Interfaces without notice? Alternately is MAC Address Filtering
considered an unneeded security measure?


Just curious if anyone is performing MAC Address Filtering at any of
the Ethernet Exchange Points. If so has it been found to be easy to
administer or difficult where by peers may be changing Layer 3 devices
or Interfaces without notice? Alternately is MAC Address Filtering
considered an unneeded security measure?


Actually, I was more speaking in terms of applying the filters to your
router port as an Exchange Point Member to prevent another unscrupulous
exchange point member from default routing you or other things nasty.


Deepak Jain wrote:

I assume you mean a non-peer defaulting to you, yes?

With wirespeed ACLs one could filter packets not terminated on your network
at your point of ingress.

Deepak Jain