Equinix LA4

Hey there

I am looking for 100mbps burstable to 1G (copper preferred) transit in Equinix LA4 to be used as out of band connectivity. Can do fiber if must.

Please let me know if you can provide this offlist

Hey there,

I am looking for 100mbps burstable to 1G (copper preferred) transit in Equinix LA4 to be used as out of band connectivity. Can do fiber if must.

Would Equinix Connect work?

Lot of people in the past have preferred to do some kind of OOB WAN
goodwill swaps, but it's unclear if anyone should in equinix.
Considering how difficult support can be on goodwill connections and
more importantly the Equinix XC prices make their own Connect
competitively priced.

There really isn’t a cost effective was to do out of band management in Equinix or Digital Realty since the XC will cost about as much as the circuit.

In any event Cogent or HE is your best bet for a cheap Out of Band Circuit.


Robert DeVita
Managing Director, Mejeticks




2626 Cole Ave, Suite 300, Dallas TX 75204

How is that priced out compared to a cross connect?

Yeah he.net is probably best option


Hey Mike,

It should be cheaper than anything else + XC.
