Equinix IX Port Moves

Who has moved an Equinix IX port? We're told that it's a full cancellation, re-order, re IPs, re-peering, etc.

Can anyone lend any input either way on that?

Who has moved an Equinix IX port? We're told that it's a full
cancellation, re-order, re IPs, re-peering, etc.

Can anyone lend any input either way on that?

​there are 2 meanings (at least) to 'move', did you mean:
  1) move port from 1G to 10G (or 'change speed')
  2) move port from cage/rack1 to cage/rack2 (endpoint move in your
space(s) )​

Same issue here. Super complicated. I'm tempted to stop the process
after the first step.

I believe this isn't the actual process, however recent reorganization
has brought with it a new tier of "entry level" order/service
management that's not fully up to speed on things.

You'll want to ask your account team for a dedicated project manager
to help with the process.


The second option.

Well, there is the first under process too, but the second is the priority at the moment.

Same issue here. Super complicated. I'm tempted to stop the process
after the first step.

I think most things involving equinix are complicated and frustrating, at least once the contract is signed.

The second option.

Well, there is the first under process too, but the second is the priority
at the moment.

​it's a little mystifying that they can't arrange a 'hot cut' of the link
then between the 2 locations.
They were able to do this for an org I don't work for but help out... for 2
links in a cage->cage move event just a little less than a year ago