EPP minutia (was: Re: Gtld transfer process)


I am interested to hear what members of the NANOG list believe would be
a better transfers process.


Non-functional changes of operationally significant configuration data
is avoided. My thumbs are as thick as the next person's.

I'm quite happy to buy a decade's worth of name, even at $35/name/year,
because other than changes to NS records, as renumberings come and go,
and machines spontainiously combust, I don't want change.

When I need change, I plan it, just like renumbering or new circuits
or new network elements or new staff.

The notion of "REGISTRAR LOCK" is simply too weak, it can be flipped in
minutes. I want something that presents only limited windows of state
change (other than NS) opportunity, which I can syncronize to corporate
standard paperwork flag days, so it isn't when I hand the keys to the
shop to a junior and take the kids on holiday.

I want a "transfer process" that is inherently difficult, if not
broken, for domain names that are business assets. I don't care about
"competition" between registrars, or how much I get soaked for by the
registrar and registry, or how evil and/or retarded one or both are.

I actually don't care about how quickly domain names are added to a
tld zone, in fact, my domain names that are business assets worked
just fine when names were published 3 times a week from the SRI NIC.

So, I want a "transfers process" that is not indifferent to my use
of domain names. I don't care what the domain name industry does with
vanity names, trademark names, speculation names, porn names, spam
names, even ebusiness names that aren't in the ISP/NSP food chain.

Heck, I'd be happy to pay two registrars $35/name/yr to make sure they
both have to be gamed before my domain names tied to operational assets
become vulnerable to unplanned and state change in the registry (3rd
party acquisition). [I actually do this, with some names with one good
competitior-registrar, and some self-registrared, but to spread risk.]



I do have hosting customers who more or less come and go synchronous
with registrar transfer. In effect, these are month-to-month or year
contracts, and I understand why new customers are wary of hosting
providers who want to be in the control path for registry state

But the "bread and butter" are multi-year hosting contracts, and for
these customers registrar they want to be in the same small boat I
want to be in.


I hope that is helpful. I'm sure everybody else is wicked happy with
the system they have, which is why everyone has the same system.


It appears that "REGISTRAR LOCK" has interesting per-registrar
implementation variations which do not always put the domain
holder's interests first. While the registry does not, per se, have
a direct business interest with the domain holder, it should be
possible to have a lock state which is more oriented to the critical
needs of some business domain holders.

For a reasonable fee (and copious amount of documentation), it
should be possible for any record holder to instruct the registry
to lock the ownership of a domain down in such a way so as to
require a similar amount of paperwork to release; thus effectively
creating an "OWNER LOCK" state.
