EP.NET ???

There have been a number of questions that have been fielded
  wrt the EP.NET domain and traceroute failures within that
  domain. For your edification, here is a brief note on the EP.NET
  EP.NET operated as a service by the RA for exchange points around
  the globe. Any exchange point may become part of the EP.NET domain.
  The default assignment algorithm follows. The next level
  identifies the specific exchange. The next level identifies
  the attaching organization.

  So, the default for BillsBait&SushiShop (BBSS) at MAE-WEST is:


  When BBSS attachs to the AADS NAP, the default name is:


  Selection of provider specific names is encouraged.
  So when BBSS gets around to it, they may change the names to
  something like this:

