End User Experience

Hello All-

I am a currently researching how network operators monitor and/or detect
degradation of the "end user's" experience. I would really appreciate it if
everyone could take a few minutes to fill out my survey. It's at *

Hello All-

I am a currently researching how network operators monitor and/or
detect degradation of the "end user's" experience. I would really
appreciate it if everyone could take a few minutes to fill out my
survey. It's at http://questionpro.com/t/AJVauZOb2F

Thank you all again.


That isn't a survey, it's a sales lead qualification questionnaire thinly disguised
as a survey.

Inappropriate to NANOG, IMHO.


By "research", do you mean fill in marketing information for some vendor, or will the results be published somewhere? That may help get a better response if the purpose of the research is shared.

I'm curious as to the questions, such as "What are you willing to spend on monitoring and/or detecting your end user's experience annually?".


I will publish the results of the survey. The questions on
demographics and budget, are there to see if monitoring end user
experience effectively is only available to companies who spend a
fortune on tools.


I am not asking for sales leads...they survey does not ask for you to
identify yourself.