emily postnews

another old dog doing a search wrote to tell me they really appreciated
that i still had some antique advice up. i had long forgotten this one.
but found it amusing and still more relevant than i might wish.

    Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette


clarinet !!

wish this was included with every subscription to internet services …


wish this was included with every subscription to internet services

you did not get it with your AOL CD? ask for a refund.

as a bonus, Internet Artifacts


I would bet many dollars green American that the venn diagram of "people who
need that advice these days" and "people who can tell that it is sarcasm/
satire" is two disjoint circles...

-- jra

You sure :-)^oo

28 octobre 2023 19:32 "Jay R. Ashworth" <jra@baylink.com> a écrit: