Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

Robert Bonomi wrote:

Quick! Somebody propose a snail-mail portability bill. When a renter
changes to a different landlord, his snail-mail address will be optionally
his to take along, "just like" what is proposed for ISP clients.

No, a complete street address portability system.

Assuming that I live on 1337 Main Street, I should be able to keep that
address even if I move to a different part of town, and I should be able
to use it for all purposes, including when I give my home address to a
cab driver, and it should just work. Why can't we get some reasonable
legislation like that enacted?


Just wait till customers start wanting to take their IP address with them when they move...

When that happens, I hope there will be a new generation of suckers to fix it.

Just wait till customers start wanting to take their IP address with
them when they move...

When that happens, I hope there will be a new generation of suckers to
fix it.

There is PI space, you know :wink:

Oh wow, I think I've still got a log (somewhere) of all the dialup IPs I
was assigned during the early 90s. Since I might be able to claim them
first under consumer legislation....

This thread may be getting sillier by hour, but it's got some
interesting suggestions tucked into it


Johnny Eriksson wrote:

Robert Bonomi wrote:

Quick! Somebody propose a snail-mail portability bill. When a renter
changes to a different landlord, his snail-mail address will be optionally
his to take along, "just like" what is proposed for ISP clients.

No, a complete street address portability system.

street addresses aren't so discrete that everyone doesn't handle them
slightly differently.

And over course if you want to totally overhual the way you do things
you can just build your method as a hostile overlay on another system,
there's a long and proud tradition of doing so.